JW Shot Outside Blockbuster Refuses Transfusion and Dies!

by Voyager 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

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    News 4
    Aaron Davis

    the parking lot where the incident took place

    News 4 Video: Man Shot Outside Video Store Rejected Transfusion Because Of Beliefs

    Man Shot Outside Blockbuster Refused Transfusion

    Nov 19, 2004 4:55 pm US/Mountain AURORA, Colo. (News 4) The man shot outside of an Aurora Blockbuster store last weekend died after saying no to a basic lifesaving procedure, News 4 reports.

    Postal worker Aaron Davis, 39, was bleeding badly on Saturday night when he arrived at the hospital but he was coherent. He rejected a blood transfusion at Aurora South Hospital because of his religious beliefs, News 4 reports.

    According to a coroner's investigator, Davis said no to offers of a transfusion because he's a devout Jehovah's Witness, and his religious stance prevented him from accepting blood from others.

    According to the coroner's office, there was no other way to save his life than trying to stop the bleeding.

    Davis was fatally shot in the video store parking lot at Mississippi and Chambers following an argument, but clouding the police investigation is the fact that Davis hit the gunman, Glen Eichstedt, over the head with a metal object before the man opened fire.

    Aurora police officers wouldn't comment Friday on whether Davis' transfusion refusal complicates their investigation and might be making them reluctant to file charges against Eichstedt.

    Aaron's wife Benita Coleman-Davis was also shot in the parking lot and critically injured. Like her husband, she is described as a devout Jehovah's Witness. Friends and family prayed for her recovery at this candlelight vigil on Thursday.

    "She's lost 3 quarts of blood and she hasn't regained consciousness from the shooting," friend Shareef Aleem said.

    Police said the inability to interview Coleman-Davis is one reason no decision has been made yet in filing any charges.

    If Eichstedt is eventually charged, his legal defense team might have a tough time relying on the transfusion refusal as a defense. It's impossible to tell if getting someone else's blood would have saved Davis because of the extent of his gunshot injuries, according to the Arapahoe County Coroner's Office.

    Preliminary results of the autopsy on Davis show several vital organs were lacerated by gunfire. He also suffered severe hemorrhaging.
  • bebu


  • Scully

    Didn't you post about this exact same incident just a few days ago?

    JWs Shot in Parking Lot Shooting!

  • pr_capone


    Kansas District Overbeer

  • mkr32208


  • gdt

    which one of you guys is on your way to Iraq, after killing 6.5m (another 500,000 last year for you to 'kill' ) lovely, somebody must be proud of you. gdt

  • xochsi

    The blood transfusion refusal will be a major issue if the DA decides to prosecute for murder. The defense can argue that the JW could have or would have lived had he not refused blood. If the defense is successful, this will at least decrease the perps sentence considerably.

  • Gill

    District Overbeer! You're going to give us a bad name! (but you did make me laugh for a minute or two, then I came to my senses)

    There was a case in the U.S a few years ago of a young woman who was raped and then stabbed and she then died in hospital after she refused a blood transfusion. The rapists lawyers claimed that it was her own fault that she died because she'd refused blood and that the defendent should be found not guilty. The jury had more brains than to swallow that and he was found guilty.

    I would still support a persons rights to refuse any form of treatment they didn't want for whatever reason they didn't want it. You still do not know whether the blood would have saved him anyway or his injuries might have been to bad to save him any way.

    I've survived losing 5 pints of blood with only volume expanders but the surgery was there to save me and stop the bleeding. This may have not worked for him so... try to have a heart. Otherwise you're just adopting the same heartless attitude that we're accusing the JW's of!

  • squinks

    This was not a random shooting, the Witness engaged in an argument and hit the guy, not to blame the victim but what the heck was he arguing with the guy about? Not Christian enough to turn the other cheek but too Christian to accept a blood transfusion. Wierd

  • Scully

    one down..... 6 million to go.

    Kansas District Overbeer

    I'm with the OVERBEER! Anyone who is unwilling to take steps to save their own life is a dorkus... good job with the metal pipe to the head though right!!

    Don't either of you guys have people you care about who are JWs? I do, and so do lots of other people here. It's not cool to wish harm to come to people, even if they would do it to us. I sure wouldn't want anything bad to happen to any JW family members of mine.

    Love, Scully

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