Hey Everybody
I found this site whilst looking for some other JW info. It may have been posted before. If so, DOH! If not check it out:
Here is the home page as well:
by gespro 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hey Everybody
I found this site whilst looking for some other JW info. It may have been posted before. If so, DOH! If not check it out:
Here is the home page as well:
Neat-o, thanks!
Sorry, but I'm not impressed.
Jehovah's Witness Belief ? | Bible Says | Scriptures |
Wow! Isn't it amazing how what the "Bible Says" is in complete agreement with the "Scriptures?"
God's name is Jehovah | Bible says God's name is YHVH ( |
So what? Jesus is a corrupted form of Yeshua, more accurately translated into English as Joshua. Funny how Christians never want to play the name game over that.
Christ is God's Son and is inferior to him | Christ is God. He took on the form of man to come to earth. | *John 1:1, 1 Timothy 3:16, |
Good thing Jesus doesn't say in the "Scriptures" that "the Father is greater than I" in John 14:28.
Just another group of zealots preying on the weak using flawed arguments and proof-texting to support their agenda. Sound familiar?
i completely agree with mungo
The title is doubly misleading:
Differences between JWs and orthodox-fundamentalist Protestant Christianity would be more accurate imo.
From the standpoint of religion history, JWs are just another Christian, even Protestant sect.
Differences between JWs and orthodox-fundamentalist Protestant Christianity would be more accurate imo.
Same S***, different pile.
StinkyPants: Neat-o, thanks!
You're most welcome SP. Just looking for tidbits on the 'net to share with folks who have a clue.
So what? Jesus is a corrupted form of Yeshua, more accurately translated into English as Joshua. Funny how Christians never want to play the name game over that.
God's name is Jehovah Bible says God's name is YHVH ( ): Pronunciation "Jehovah" was instituted by Christian scholars in 12th century
Christ is God's Son and is inferior to him Christ is God. He took on the form of man to come to earth. *John 1:1, 1 Timothy 3:16,
Most Christians accept the use of Johovah as God's name. They are not saying not to use Jehovah, but it is also not used in that form anywhere in the orginal text Hebrew or Greek. Most JWs know this, but most talk like the orginal New Testemant writers did use Jehovah in their writings. I have never had anyone tell me not to use Jehovah.
When A JW tells me that I do not use the name of God, I like to remind them that Yeshua means,"YHWH Salvation". So I most certainly do use it, although I use it in its common anglo form of Jesus. Also I like to use YHWH instead of Jehovah or God when talking to JWs. It seams to throw them off their game a little.
Triple A
From the standpoint of religion history, JWs are just another Christian, even Protestant sect.
From a stand point that the WTS is a off shot of the Adventist and the Dawn Bible students are an off shot of the WTS this is true.
Organizationally, they are more like the Roman Catholics.
Doctrinally they are not like either Protestant or Catholic.
Triple A, when you use Yeshua in its "common anglo form Jesus," you are in effect saying that it's okay to use an artificial anglicized translation of a prominent Biblical figure's name. You yourself allude to this.
However, JWs freely admit "Jehovah" is an artificial anglicized translation of the tetragrammaton, and never has the Watchtower Society taught that biblical figures pronounced the name of God as "Jehovah." And frankly, on this point alone, the NWT is a more honest translation of the OT than a Bible that replaces it with the terms "LORD" and "GOD." It's like replacing every occurance of "Jesus" with "the SON." While nobody is saying not use Jehovah, this webiste, and many Fundamentalists, say that it's incorrect, a logic they do not apply to the name "Jesus." Like the NWT translation of John 1:1, it appears to be doctrinally motivated.
Also, by your own logic, the NT authors did use "Jehovah" in their writings, every time they use the name "Jesus," which means "Jehovah is salvation."