Were they right about anything?

by kwintestal 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kwintestal

    The WTS is often critised about being false prophets when they predict something and it doesn't come about. Rightly so. Expose them for the false prophets they are!

    I don't ask this question to get sarcastic responses, but solely for mental reference when I talk to my family in the future.

    Has anything that the WTS predicted in advance, that was of their own origin come about? If so, what?

    What do they toot their horn about, saying, "See...we were right!"

    1914 was not of their own origin, nor did what they predict actually happen.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    How bout "If you speak the truth about the WT, we will make your life a living hell?"

  • myelaine


    What do they toot their horn about, saying, "See...we were right!"

    Don't they say, "See... we were right!" about Christ's invisible presence. Using dates culled from the Bible and world events. That is one thing that they will always say they are right about. They can SEE that they are right.

  • minimus

    They have made no predictions of their own because of enlightened holy spirit that ever came true EXCEPT those things that happened invisibly.

  • kwintestal

    I talked about this with Mrs. Kwin, and she reminded me of the Revelation book, where they have manipulated scriptures to state that they had been fulfilled in the WTS's exsistance, (ie. someone pours a thing of water out represents one of Rutherford's bowel movements, and in the movement he saw a sign of the cross on it...JESUS DIDN'T DIE ON A CROSS!!!)

    Thing is, they didn't predict that in advance.

    about Christ's invisible presence. Using dates culled from the Bible and world events.

    Can't it be shown though, that things really aren't as bad as they make them out to be. Sure the world is in a tough spot, but are things worse then 100-200 years ago? People are living longer, medicines are much more effective, the list is endless as to why we're better off now then before.


  • truthbeliever

    They sure did,They ordered some cheeseburgers from Mcdonalds,and guess what?They brought them out.This is about all,Im afraid.

  • myelaine


    Where there are advances in science and technology that can help us live a longer life than in previous generations, its seems as though the moral fibre that held us together (do unto others...) is rapidly fraying. Parents and others don't have the respect from their children that they used to have and this is, I believe, directly related to the lack of "God conciousness" of our society. Humans figure that, given time, we can do it all and there is no need for God to direct us in any area of our lives. In the city that I live, Meth is a BIG problem. The crime that we experience now is directly related to kids stealing to get money for drugs. The kids think of their next hit, not whether their actions are right or wrong. At some point (and it's happening already to some degree) I'm sure children will believe that any action they take to please themselves is the right thing to do. The only action that is wrong is something that goes contrary to their desires. So that would leave most if not all authority figures (the man) wrong. I don't think that anything we do is going to correct this problem. Advances in science and technology can't address what I call a negative "heart condition". These advances can help the human physical condition, but do they really help us live a better or righteous life? I don't think so, and I don't think that the kids even care anymore.

    p.s. I don't mean to sound like all kids everywhere have a problem with drugs, but honestly, it isn't getting any better is it?

  • M.J.

    Good question. That is something I've wondered. From everything I've read they have a 100% failure rate at verifiable prophecy. And verification is what the old Deuteronomy 18:22 standard demands. Their one thing that they tout as fulfilled prophecy was the prediction of the end of the "gentile times". All that amounts to is that this catch phrase is the only part of their 1914 predictions that they were able to salvage, because they've since changed the meaning to account for why its end couldn't be witnessed or verified by anyone. So then they throw in how the world's wickedness and conditions took a turn for the worse from this point onward, and there is your supposed verificaton. But they didn't predict that. They predicted the end of this system and rapture, while thinking that Christ had already returned. "Gentile times" had a whole different meaning and significance.

  • wizedup

    Were they right about anything? My hubby would say,"hell no!" ( If it's any consolation, he is "anointed" too.)

    I figure, only if you want to believe it.

    We made a conserted effort to scrap it all and start from ground O. We're reading the Bible for ourselves, coming to our own conclusions, leaving the unknown to God. Enjoying a free life. I don't believe I need ALL the answers any more to be happy. Life is beautiful in it's own right. Enjoy what you can while it's here. Try not to waste time being depressed not knowing. We'll all come to know fully someday....or not. But you won't be alone either way.

    Best to you!

  • Kenneson

    They're certainly right when they say they are not inspired, not infallible and are just human. Now, if only the Watchtower Society would admit that it doesn't speak for Jehovah, that would prove that they mean it.

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