I know of more than one situation when two YOUNG JW's (say, 15 and 16) who have been caught "fornicating" and been given the option of getting married or getting DF'd. Any one else seen this happen?
JW "Shotgun weddings."
by avishai 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Only when they are both that age. When he's 52 and she's 4, they don't do anything but cover it up.
I am only aware of one case where they were both young teens getting married before they were of legal age. They had to get their parent's permission because of the laws way back then. Her mother was a JW, her father an unbeliever. She married an unbeliever. I was about 11 then so, I didn't figure it out until years later. Their marriage was nothing but one miserable mess, and he cheated on her several times.
I've seen examples where the guy is like, 25, and the girl is 15. Where elders have even gone against JW parents wish's and facilitated the couple in going to mexico or other places to get married.
Hey..there has only been one
Doubtfully Yours
Recently 2 young couples, in their late teens all of the ones involved, had to get married without so much as a little get together in someone's house. Plenty of rumors that they did the deed prior to marriage, but one of the girls is an elder's daughter and one of the guys is a ministerial servant, so.... hush, hush everybody!
Lots of that goes on with the young JW people. They marry so very young and then they have to endure such terrible relationship 'til one of them commits adultery.
Hi folks of the thread
Recently 2 young couples, in their late teens all of the ones involved, had to get married without so much as a little get together in someone's house. Plenty of rumors that they did the deed prior to marriage, but one of the girls is an elder's daughter and one of the guys is a ministerial servant, so.... hush, hush everybody
Yeah, I remember seeing that double-standard bulls**t on a weekly basis.
My best friend had that same situation when he was a young dub. They had one child together while they were both studying and another baby a year or two later! That's when the faux bros said,'Now wait a minute!' LOL! The were around 17-18.
I was told by my mother not to show up at a convention in Montreal with my pregnant girlfriend unless I had a marriage certificate in my hand. I married the girl without asking her father first! That was pretty rude [He paid me back for years for that move]. I was 17, she was 18. She wanted to go live in a commune, have the baby and then maybe seeing me again in a couple of years to show me the baby[her wishes]. If only I had complied... Instead, I thought I was supposed to marry her and 'take care' of the family. How noble. F***ed-up my career oppourtunities [and what little drive/ambition I had maintained in myself inspite of the Borg] because, you know, we were living in 1977 and any day... but, I digress...
gespro -still angry
I recall a certain elders boy that got a young girl in my old congregation pregnant, they were found out. She was disfellowshipped and he was not even reproved, public or private, (father was a Hitler of a CO) although everyone knew who the father was. He never acknowledged the child and she was later reinstated. However not to much later he got another girl pregnant and married her, they later had a 12 pound 7 month premature baby! No questions asked!
William Penwell
I know in my case, I was not 16 but we were told that if we were going to get into trouble, it was better to get married. It was bad advise and ended up in divorce years later.