Hi there, I'm new to the board and have turned here for advice. I am a new teacher and have a child in my class who is a JW. As I know nothing about the religion I thought I would ask here.
I am aware that he will not be able to take part in RE or religious assemblies or Christmas activities. With his last teacher they were studying MacBeth and his parents would not let him do it as it had witches in it. However, he was permitted to watch a panto with a witch in it.
As he cannot take part in the Christmas activities I was going to give him the book on tape of Lord of the rings, as I felt he would really enjoy it. He said that because it involved magic he could not, however, he can read the Lion the WITCH and the wardrobe.
I'm a bit confused and would be greatful if anyone could point me in the direction to get some information on this. I do not wish to disrespect his religion, as I have a great interest in different religions as a whole. The lavel of knowledge on this thoughout the school is shocking when we consider that every class has at least 1 JW in it, any help?