Send some cheering up for our (((bem)))

by xenawarrior 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • bem

    (((((B)))) sorry to have scared you.

    Thanks Valis, seems I will have more time for reading and mail.

    Thanks to all of you again for the phone calls and the flowers, Lisa, I love them they are doing there cheering up job.

    ((((Searcher)))) you are my knight,thanks for the gorgeous flowers and the huge purple bow (my favorite color) lots of Carnations and Freesias different kinds of Daisies. Ferns and pretty purple flowers. make them so pretty thanks again so much. Hearing your voice the other night was like a balm to my hurt places. Not that you have an accent...hehe

    Again thanks all of you Dorothy

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Dorothy! OMG, I go offline for a couple of days and look what happens to you. I hope you feel better. I went through the windshield once when I was 19 and ended up with 104 stiches, but I hope you've got better drugs than I had.



  • kat2u

    I hope your feeling better today

  • LyinEyes

    ((((((((((Bem)))))))) I am so sorry you went thru this, but take it easy and get well soon.

    hugsssssss Dede

  • bem

    Thanks (((Chris))) ((((Kat2u))) (((DeDe))) the drugs are good for helping me sleep and they say sleep helps while a way the hours while we feel better . But I am not a 'patient' "patient" And sleep helps me not think about my poor broken car, So for now pain killers and sleep are ahead of impatients and anger.

    Thanks everyone your good wishes help.

  • jgnat

    Ow, bem. I can't imagine. Take it easy and get better.

  • LittleToe

    {{gentle hugs}}

  • bem

    Thanks for the hugs and thoughts Drugs are working well.

  • Tim Horton
    Tim Horton

    Hi Bem, I really hope that you're feeling better soon. That sounds really painful. I love your forum picture of the kitty cat. I hope you're purring soon. Cheer up. love panther, I'll be thinking of you.

  • CountryGuy

    OMG! I just saw this thread!

    I hope you're back to normal very, very soon!

    Your new Arkie pal,

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