by vitty 77 Replies latest jw friends
I think the fall-out rate of the WTS is probably sending some shockwaves through Brooklyn. They are probably so convinced of their "rightness" and so assured of their power that they are unlikely to do anything significant about it, though. I see the WTS dwindling to a hardcore, before blinking out like a light. It could take several decades yet, though. I honestly don't expect it to happen in my lifetime.
Jonathan:Chill, man!
Simon:Gonna have to take ya to task, my friend. Most of your posts (this thread) are highly offensive, even if they are directed at the WTS alone (which the language would seem to deny).
For a point in case, let me quote a few of your statements, and ask you if you would say them about me, to my face:- Like the poor, the religious will always be with us.
- If religion teaches us anything its there isn't one born every minute
- We are simultaneously the most advanced species on the planet and the dumbest.
- Religion is a drug, pure and simple. Devotees are junkies.
- Give me a reason why a sane, reasoning person with some sound knwoledge of science and history would be religious?
- They are almost always ignorant or stupid people or those in need of some sort of 'crutch' in their life.
- They just haven't found reality yet (probably due to upbringing)
- they like the system and see it as something they can expoit when they otherwise wouldn't get anywhere in life
- The fleecees and the fleecers.
I'll conclude by stating that if "believers" can be categorised as bigotted for blindly believing they are correct in the face of variance of interpretation of facts, how much equally so the voluble atheist?
I am still predicting that a schism will ring the final bell for WTS.
Too many followers are stuck with the need for "the answers" - they are not able to walk away.
Instead, a massive schism will allow a substantial group of believers to cling to a modified belief system, while the other half claim "orthodox" rights. However the frail doctrine of JWs will not support infighting (e.g. slave class, 1914, blood) and its the internal fighting that will then quickly decimate the disallusioned JWs - not external pressure.
Look for the "mass" (sponsored by the core, aged and disgruntled baby-boomers) to pull away from the "money" (the formal printing machine and land holdings) beginning in 2007. You heard it here first.
The best we can do is to be there for those looking for a way out
Now people, can we not be nice to one another! We're all here because we're hurt by the same source. Please don't let us hurt one another on this forum. Our energies are better focussed on helping those trying to escape from Watchtower. On this we are all united!
IT Support
I think it will be a long, slow, decline.
Let's face it, the package they offer is appealing: who wouldn't want to live forever in perfect health on a paradise earth...?
It's just such a pity it ain't so.
There will always be unhappy and gullible persons who will partially, but not fully, make up for those who leave. For the reasons others have already mentioned (Internet, youths, education, scandals, etc), the high growth years are over.
And the WT will cover it over by continuing to fraudulently 'adjust' the annual figures. (Anyone ever noticed how the August field service report [reported in the December Kingdom Ministry] is always much higher than the previous months? Because it's the last month of the Society's 'service year,' the figures are 'padded' as much as can be credibly borne, so the annual 'peak' figure is "encouraging to the brothers.")
WBTS is no different.Very few active dubs truly know whats going on in their organization,nor do they want to know...Some have been there so long they are institutanalized,there is no other place for them to go.All their friends are at the Kingdom Hall they have spent their lives at,and they are too old to start over.The best we can do is to be there for those looking for a way out...OUTLAW
I totally agree w/ outlaw. I being previously associated for 25 years have found the same exact situation. Many have no idea how to leave. "All my friends are there". They cannot even begin tho think of how to make new accquaintances. Sad but true.
If you're interested in Watchtower decline, watch the money - and watch the leadership.
Contributions are a deepening problem - and manifest an internal malaise among the rank and file.
Beyond that, I continue to think that the emerging leaders of the Watchtower have quietly lost faith in all of it.
If it were otherwise, they wouldn't be unable to publish anything but platitudes in the magazines. They may evolve
into a denomination yet, once a few select deaths occur.
Till the FDS are gone.
I don't think we'll see their demise in our lifetimes...many, having been bent over by the 'tower' in the past may see them as unwavering, unwilling to yield, and insensitive. Yet, like the US military, they are actually willing to try new and different tactics and 'strategeries' in order to gain new recruits.
Just recently, my sister in law offered us one of their new brochures - another new campaign is under way to regain those who have strayed from the flock. (I have yet to receive it, anyone know anything about it?) - From what I was told, this is another brochure not meant for public distribution. Not that I would go back, I'm just curious to see what they're saying now.
I think a big factor in the Wt's down fall will be its lack of flexiblity.
We know the very young adapt better than the very old. As we get older we become set in our ways we become less flexible in our view points and fall into paterns that are hard to break.
So being that it is basically only old braindead jws males that make it to the GB,, I don't see these old dyed in the wool,, brain dead,, stuck in a routeen,,sheltered from the outside world at bethel,, GB members as being very flexible mentally. I do beleive instead of bending they will snap.