As a further problem, they consider organized internal efforts of charity to be a form of apostasy!
Anyone who would suggest pouring manpower into such efforts would be accused of trying to undermine the "preaching"
work. This rationale developed after Ray Franz got booted - that he was trying to do away with the field "ministry" by
suggesting "Kingdom Service" in general support of the organization. They would have to do a complete 180 on the subject
and ignore comments by Jaracz! ( "You're not trying to pull a 'Ray Franz', are you Brother?"). This also goes back to
precedents set after WW2 in which Knorr came down hard on various non-preaching activities that brothers got involved in
during the war. ( like Australia).
Without an internal infrastructure of care, congregations will slowly wither away, under the sterile ritual of long repetitious
meetings and a ministry that produces nothing but 'time served'. Last night, I was struck by how the Theocratic Ministry
School is simply a ritual - it doesn't reflect anything real in the field ministry, it's just poor quality play acting by adults.
Likewise, the Service Meeting can be skipped entirely simply by reading the dumbed down text of the Kingdom Ministry.
At some point, the limbo bar of dumbed down repetition can't be lowered anymore. Long before that happens, a lot of
Witnesses will have drifted away, unable to justify the waste of time any longer.
I hope they never reform. Without change, they'll lose the next generation of Witnesses and that'll be that.