Is it me or does it seem that nearly all JWs go through depression in varying ways?? I'm not talking about what the average person could deal with because of a loss of a loved one or a job termination, etc. I'm referring to being depressed because you're a Jehovah's Witness. From what I can see, JWs are a depressed lot. They are always under pressure to "do more", do the impossible, really. Nothing is ever good enough. Even when a Witness does perform the work at hand, someone else (or they themselves) will always be questioning whether things were done with the right motive or attitude. From what I can see here on this board, many that HAD to take meds or see therapists suddenly don't have to once they get out of the organization. Either that or it's an interesting coincidence.
Depression & Jehovah's Witnesses
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends
Your correct Min.....MANY Jehovah's Witnesses suffer from either depression, lupis, or any other ailment they self impose from their mental state this organisation creates.
I can sit at this moment and not think of any of my wifes dub friends who are not on some form of medication ( usually for depression).....oh.....and Ambien......they can't sleep either. They like pain pills too. Anything to make them not feel like they feel. What a spiritual paradise eh?
Why are they a less peppy people? Their thinking and emotions are molded for them, and those two things don't agree with normal human behavior.
When I stopped going to meeting 16 months ago I was suffering with depression.At the time I thought the depression was the reason I found the jw life so difficult but looking back now I can see that it was the life that caused the depression.My husband has never been a jw and my children had both decided that it was not for them. Trying to lead the life with no support,no friends in the congregation and hearing how much more I should be doing took its toll.Only yesterday my husband commented on how I would go to meetings reasonably happy and come home a wreck,more often than not sobbing within minutes of being in the house.Leaving it all behind has made a hugh difference. Sometimes I remember all over again that I am OUT and the feeling that brings is amazing.
Hi Bagpuss....welcome. *wonders why he felt like he cussed when he said her name*
At the time I thought the depression was the reason I found the jw life so difficult but looking back now I can see that it was the life that caused the depression.
If a person exits the organisation...especially after discovering it's not 'truth'....and their depression leaves, that might tell you something. However, there are those who find out it's not the truth anymore, and become depressed. The REASON is the factor.
. and hearing how much more I should be doing took its toll.
That is a constant feeding isn't it? Do more. I feel for poor mothers with kids who were required to be the good wife, mom, daughter, and have some identity herself.
Only yesterday my husband commented on how I would go to meetings reasonably happy and come home a wreck,more often than not sobbing within minutes of being in the house.Leaving it all behind has made a hugh difference. Sometimes I remember all over again that I am OUT and the feeling that brings is amazing.
Most would disagree who are dubs on this one, but your reasons were I'm sure different.
It is nice to be out.... isn't it?
From what I can see, JWs are a depressed lot.
I concur! Many in my own hall were on medication and one committed suicide while others attempted it. Depression was rife. I've never known so many people to be suffering from M.E! It seems to be the JW disease! My homeopath told me she's treated many JWs for nervous conditions and I well remember a talk by the visiting C.O. mentioning the increase in depression, that nobody knows why and perhaps it's something in the air! Great, let's blame pollution! Actually, it's being polluted my JWism that's to blame!
Well, whether you are a JW or not, you're still going to have problems, become depressed, etc, etc...I'm sure alot of people go through their own respective working elements where they have to deal with assholes, being overworked, not allowed to take credit, etc... But I think the difference with being a depressed JW as opposed to a depressed non-JW is they make it out that your entire identity in life is wrapped up in being a part of this religion. I felt like I never really had any identity (or personality) as a JW. It was a great way to be sad because there was something seriosuly wrong with living a segregated life without any real friends or real fun, and the organization making it virtually impossible for anyone to escape.
I knew a couple of witnesses who were Pioneers, and they were always tired and exhaused, because it took so much energy being a JW.
Once they told me that they took multivitimines because they always felt tired and exhausted.
They were actually giving more to the WTS than they could muster.
Hi there all!
The problem for JW's is that they can never relax for a second. Even if they're on holiday they're expected to hunt down the nearest kingdom hall and go to the meetings, even if they can't understand the language. Then they have to come home and give their lovely experience of going to this strange hall, with strange people and explain how they sang in English and all the foreign brothers really loved it. More like they were laughing their asses of at these stupid English visitors making fools of themselves.
Then there's the 'kingdom ministry' giving unreasonable instructions about preaching at bus stops, train stations,airports etc. Have you always got some literature with you so you can 'save' some poor sod who just wants to wait quietly for his/her train, plain, bus or whatever, like you should be doing.
Didn't Witnesses ever learn from their mothers not to talk to strangers!
Put more hours in!
Can YOU pioneer next month.
Are YOU studying enough!
Are YOU putting in more hours at work than you are serving Jehovah!
When does it end, these constant admonitions and instructions and brow beating...
I was always ill when I was a witness and stressed and horrible to my husband and children.
Why didn't the children want to study or get baptised or preach to their friends or place magazine with their school mates like the nice magazines said they should be doing?!
Because they had more sense than me!! I've finally caught them up.
Why was my husband not taking the lead in EVERYTHING!
Because he wasn't an overwhelming bossy boots who wanted to control us all. He's cool and relaxed and I was trying to make him do things he knew better than to do.
What a bloody moaning hag I was! But I think it comes from a lifetime of being nagged at by the organization.
No wonder witnesses are depressed.
Why can't they just GIVE IT UP!
But I know that most of the JW friends that I had were mentally unstable to a lesser or greater degree and I believe it was due to the ENORMOUS amount of pressure put on them to fit an impossible mould.
Yes, it began with my parents, ridden with debt and constantly bombarbed by requests from the Elders to up production - er, service hours and meeting attendance - when all they wanted was a little time to rest and regroup. Soon enough, like an infectious disease, the ugly depression took hold of my brother and I as we grew into adolescence.
There could be a bit of hereditary factors involved there but I have seen an awful lot of the same thing in people I've known in the organization...then again, perhaps statistically, depressed people join the Witnesses, even if they don't know they are yet (or if it's hereditary, it hasn't surfaced yet).
Many dubs are an intellectual and emotional mess,then they have to put up with me when they come to the door LOL!...I don`t let them get away with their bullshit,I also try not to be too hard on them...OUTLAW