Depression & Jehovah's Witnesses

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Coqueton

    I think many join because they have problems / issues and like what they hear about the future. I have never seen a group that has so many psychosomatic illnesses and is on meds. So many sisters with lupus, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, etc. They can sit home and stuff their faces with junk food and meds but not work. And of course when they go to the doctor, nothing is found. Then they go to the quack doctors / accupunturists / naturalists who support their delusional thinking. Now you have the construction worker paying for quack powder, not covered by insurance to cure his wife. He struggles more, is bummed out, never gets any action. It is a cycle. My ex was that way... I think bein nuts runs in her family (actually mental illness does). Stuff doctors couldn't find, etc. Now we are apart, she has to work and the girl who couldn't get a job or do much is now a horse trainer and does real physical exertion! I tell this to my witness friends and they say people in the world are the same. Not so. I don't know of anybody on meds. Although I am educated and all my friends have careers and work. Nobody sits at home or does blue collar work. I've found if you work, take care of yourself, you do ok. People that are lazy, or passive aggressive will use illness to support their lazy attitude and manipulate / control others.

  • shamus
    I think many join because they have problems / issues and like what they hear about the future. I have never seen a group that has so many psychosomatic illnesses and is on meds.

    Ahmen. Said all too well.

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