Hi all! If you remember, I've been inquiring about how to discuss JW issues with my boyfriend's sister. It appears she is accepting the watchtower driven interpretations of the bible, but we are still not giving up. If you are willing, would you respond, in a nutshell, to the question, "What is the doctrine or belief that the JW's hold that was most instrumental in leading you to abandon this religion?" Please answer from your heart….. whether it's bible interpretation issues, or social issues, etc. Thank you!
For all x-JW's: quick question.....
by Kathy 34 Replies latest jw friends
Well, this was the main one for me. It's the one that made me open to questioning, I should say.
The Faithful and Discreet Slave class. Answer these questions:
1. When Jesus ascended to heaven, who did he appoint as his successor?
(the correct answer is "no one") JW's will say this, unless they are uninformed about doctrine.
2. Then who did he say was coming to help, after he was gone?
(the holy spirit)
3. Who have placed themselves in the successor role?
(Faithful and Discreet slave)When I was taken through that question and answer session, it started to unravel for me, because I knew they see themselves as his spokesman on the earth now. And Jesus himself, appointed no earthly mouthpiece.
Hope that helps.
Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
The corner stone for my falling out was about 1995 (I studied off and on for about 4 years starting in 1991) the society changed it's interpretation about the generation. When they swiched from people alive in 1914 to anybody living today, I should have stopped studying right then. But I got baptized, later this issue was still bothering me. Perhaps if you research the generation issue, you might be able to share that with this person. Good luck.
At first, it was not doctrine as much as behavior and WTS policy. The shielding of child molesters and the harmful way in which peoiple were treated by their system of Kangaroo Court Justice. I finally went to the authorities about one such pedophile, only to discover later on that they 'determined' was way to remove me from the organization. The 'newbie' JWs don't have a clue, and JW sisters will never have a clue because they will not be permitted to serve as Elders and sit on Judicial Committees. [There is a way ... if a JW woman can sneak into the Congregation File and look at the JC records, this might open their eyes.]
Later on, in August 1991, as I was faced with the date 1994 coming up and its relationship to the start of the last generation in 1914. It became too obvious that a full generation had passed in an 80 year period as noted in Psalm 90:10. Soooo ... this led to uncovering more and more and more false prophecies of the Society. - Amazing
False prophecies. For years I parroted the usual JW mantra that it was a reult of heightened expectations, similar to Jesus' apostles. (What a sweet deal; as a JW leader you can be favorably compared to the apostles for being wrong, while at the same time blaming the rank and file for believing you!)
It took years, but I finally allowed myself to read "apostate" material and discovered that there is NO HISTORICAL BASIS for JW prophetic dates. JWs state that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607BCE and take scriptures from Genesis to Revelation to count forward to [insert date here, currently 1914]. But they offer no proof that Jerusalem was destroyed in that year, and ignore the historical evidence that they're probably off by about a "generation."
Whatever is looking good to your boyfriend's sister, stress to her that she should verify any- and everything she hears from JWs with independent research of her own. Make her realize that once she decides to join them, it's like joining the mafia or a street gang: She can be kicked out, but she can NEVER leave of her own accord. That being the fact, she owes it to herself to really look into every single statement of dogma that JWs make, because she'll be expected to accept each and every one of them. If she has the tiniest niggling little doubts, she'd better satisfy them now, because she won't be allowed to research them later.
the false prophecies was the first thing that made me say,
Hmmm -
Oooooooooo, What did the animals used to eat, hay? U really need to have sharp teeth and be camoflaged for that!!!!!!
Yes, no.
My falling out was when I was guilt driven by the WTS to take more upon my shoulders as a Ministerial Servant. This led to the weakening of my family life. I had to make a choice.
Another reason was the cold and legalistic way the religion operates. It wasn't until after I left that I started doing research into the WTS beliefs. I thought about going back, but felt I had an obligation to myself and my family to be informed this time. Informed is what I got. There is literally a thousand and one reasons not to join this cult. All of those reasons are listed in the many fine books you can read about the WTS.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson* -
Hi Kathy,
It's hard to argue on legalistic issues sometimes. But, like already mentioned - the WTBTS says they are the most - the only - truly united people on the earth. United in what? In their teachings. Ok, but did Jesus preach that as the only - or even primary - sign of his followers?
What about love among his own? "Love thy neighbor as yourself." Who is your neighbor? Only jw's? Does love only constitute selling/placing literature with them?
They will justify - and at first they are, jw's are exceptionally warm towards new ones. Aren't we all with ones who we want to like us, stay with us? The Honeymoon period.
And, besides that, why the rush to make a choice? The WTBTS knows that the more time a person takes to actually learn the Bible - from all different sources - the more likely that the person will say "naaaaaaa."
Of course, the jw will say that "The End Is Coming Soon." It would be prudent to say "Prove It Beyond Doubt - Not Like Your Past Teachings." It cannot be proven. So there is time to think.
Sam Beli
Hi Kathy,
For me the ‘breaker’ was their blood doctrine. At first, back in the 40s and 50s they banned all blood therapies (whole blood, plasma, platelets, etc.). Over the years they have gradually loosened the restrictions on components (fractions) of blood. One by one different components have become “permitted” such as albumin and clotting factors. Now, virtually all individual components of blood are permitted so long as they are taken separately rather than together.
Most JWs do not realize this. Only when they become very ill, to the point perhaps of needing blood, are they presented this information by one of their hospital liaison committee members. True, this information can be found ahead of time if one knew where in the WTS publications to find it (this information is scattered over years of literature) and if one knew how to recognize the veiled language used. Almost no regular witness fully understands this information. Even most elders are unaware of the extent of the blood components that are permitted unless he has specifically had reason to learn from a HLC member.
The WTS purposely keeps its members ignorant so that their convoluted policy remains undiscovered. This policy is nothing short of murderous.
Sam Beli
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for the question. It's always pleasant to iterate the start of my quest for 'truth.'
For me, it was oddly enough, watching the Disney movie 'Dinasour.' It never seemed as tho they fit in with the Bible's explanations of Adam's sin being the reason for the violence in nature. Dinasours predated humans, according to the WTBS and probably every other scientific source.
Then, it was Gen. 1:30 that states all living creatures eat green vegetation. That was not true (dinasours especially).
That pulled out the 'card,' the the rest of the house of cards came tumbling down.
Why it took 28 years I'm still trying to figure out.