advice needed--please respond

by lisaBObeesa 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    G'day Lisa,

    My mom says, "Couldn't I get reinstated and NOT go out in service?" She is thinking to go back for only a short time and then move out of town and become an innactive witness.

    Do you think this could work?

    Sure it could work. In the eyes of her zombie friends the big stain will be removed from her character and they'd be the love-bombingest little cult friends a woman can have. If you have the inner strength to pull it off Lisas mum - all power to you! I hope in a years time you can join us 'happy walkaways' having our freedom and eating with jw's too.

    sincerest best wishes to you both, unclebruce.

    PS: Personally, I'd rather eat a shit pie than grovel to the warped male egos of those self-righteous bastards .. but hey, that's me

  • lisaBObeesa


    Thanks so much for the replies! Please keep posting them. My mom says she never realized there was so much support out there! This means alot to her.

    To Somebody:
    Yes, her daughter will not speak to her. In fact, my mom is not allowed to see her two small grandchildren. This is all because my mom is DF, and my sister says she must 'put Jehovah first.' They were very close before the DFing.

    As for my mother's friends, these are very, very old friends. More like family than friends. She has known her best friend since first grade. ( myself consider my mom's friend and her husband as my second mom and dad, because I grew up seeing them almost every day.) This is a 40+ year friendship.

    Again, thanks for the posts,

  • WildHorses

    "She is thinking to go back for only a short time and then move out of town and become an innactive witness."

    I did that. The only difference is that I didn't have any family members in the org, and I haven't run into any of the jws from my former congragation, since I moved out of town. I think it could work though. And this way you can speak to the jws in the town you move to and they know nothing about you. I do that too. I have gone as far as to tell one of them a few things that I have myself learned on the net.

    I hope whatever you decide to do goes well for you. God Bless.


  • somebody

    lisaBobeesa and company,(mom)

    In that case, I really think I would try and get reinstated, and take being called "spiritually weak", "imature christain", and all the the labels thrown on me for not going out in service for the WBTS, just for the sake of keeping my relationship with my duaghter. If you, Lisa's mom, still believe in God, then he/she knows what's in your heart. If you no longer believe in God, then it's no skin off your back for loving your daughter and doing everything in your power to keep her. As for the friends, no matter how many years they were my friends, and how close I was, I think I'd give them all up if I didn't have a child in it. For moral sake. I have not had friends for that many years, so maybe I'd feel differently if I did. But I gave up one friend that I had for 10 years over "it". And it was very hard. I wish you the best, and don't forget to take your time and take everybody's advice here, and kinda mix it all together! Call it a friendly heart shake. A little different from a chocolate shake, but actually better than one.

    You're stuck between the rock and the hard place. I wish you all the best, and make the decision that YOU'LL be happy with, and can live with.

    wishing the best to you and yours during this difficult time,

    somebody...lisaBObeesa will help you through it!

  • Yadirf


    Something that you and your mother may wish to take note of while considering the comments made by some of the posters above are:

    Dannybear doesn't accept the Bible as being God's Word to Mankind.

    Seven006 doesn't accept the Bible as being God's Word to Mankind.

    Unclebruce doesn't accept the Bible as being God's Word to Mankind. [Sorry Unc, but rather than being in the position to render aid YOU yourself need help.]

    Somebody doesn't believe that the Apostle Paul was inspired, and so don't fully accept the Bible as being God's Word to Mankind.

    Do the opinions of such faithless people impress you and your mother?

  • somebody


    Somebody doesn't believe that the Apostle Paul was inspired, and so don't fully accept the Bible as being God's Word to Mankind.

    WRONG! I am NOT A PAUL FOLLOWER. I try to follow JESUS and NOT PAUL. Therefore, when I say that I follow and try to imitate Jesus, I am not a liar. I DO NOT look to PAUL for SALVATION. SO...before you go telling people what I believe, please take the time to ask me first. I believe the Bible is God's word, and I put my faith in his Son as judge and the means of everlasting life,as the Bible says to.



  • AngelofMuZiC


    One thing that I must first say is the decision is ultimately your mom's and she will be the one responsible for her choice. My advice, "to thine own self be true" I don't think anyone is worth being fake for. Remind her that she may be putting herself into unecessary turmoil. And besides, she won't be able to keep up the front forever. Eventually she will slip, and then she will have to endure the same horrible process again. I wish her luck.
    My Regards,

  • lisaBObeesa


    Thanks for the info, but it is irrelevant to the issue at hand. Thanks.


  • Yadirf


    I was under the impression that you rejected some of the Apostle Paul's words. Is not that the truth?

  • DannyBear


    You surely must have the ability to read heart's and mind's.

    How you can equate that belief that the Bible is simply a collection of books written by men, not inspired of God...translates into having no faith, is pretty presumptive on your part.

    Remember the definition of 'faith' as offered by one of your hero's;
    'the assured expectation, of things not beheld' or to that effect.

    I have faith in many things unseen...

    So please do not imply Iam a 'faithless one'.



    Friday for the love of peace, empathy, or just plain good manner's, if you want to continue this...start your own thread. This one is a personal request by Lisa for help, in a trying time. Even if you don't see it that way...please show some regard to this situation,

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