Church Recommendations?

by sandy 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StinkyPantz
  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Sandy -

    I always felt precisely the same way - but here I am doing the same - I owe part of that to LittleToe who made that reccomendation to me privately -

    I am reading a book that describes most churches and a concise, but brief, description of the beliefs of each one -It is titled; Handbook of Denominations in the United States by Frank S Mead.

    I found it in my local library - I hope this helps. Then I suppose one could check the website of that particular group to see if it looks compatible.


  • euripides

    Sandy, I am a member of the Unitarian Universality Church. You can read the principles and beliefs at What I love abnout my church is that it is not any particular religion and has no creed, honestly, within those seven guiding principles people are free to believe and explore as they choose. I teach a Bible class at the UU church twice a month, it's mainly an academic approach but I'm trying to get more useful analysis and create a safe space in which people can explore the way they relate to Bible texts without being coerced or threatened by them. Many people who participate in the class have expressed their gratitude for the class and I think our minister is a wonderful and kind man who appreciates everyone's right to express their own views without fear of reproach. The community is what we're after mostly anyway and I'm glad to have a place to go where I can grow spiritually as a person as well as have my own ministerial outlet to help others. If church is for giving you an occasion for inner reflection (and that doesn't have to be its goal but its what I look for, among other things) then I can say I really appreciate the church I belong to. Interestingly, some people have told me they joined the church because they wanted to continue to take my class (even though it is open to the whole community, theoretically).

    If you want to know more you can message me offlist. I'd be happy to talk to you about it.

  • euripides

    By the way, Unitarian Universalists are descendents of Unitarians, but Unitarians are strictly speaking Christians who reject Trinitarian doctrine, while Unitarian Universalists (the much more common, and also often referred to as Unitarian) have members who could be Christian, Jewish, atheist, Moslem, Buddhist, Hindu, etc.

  • Been there
    Been there

    I started going to the Vineyard. I think they may have started in California so there may be one near you. Very upbeat, nondenominational, excepting. Age appropriate bible classes for kids. Very community & cherity oriented. I found myself wanting go to church.

  • sandy

    I don't know what is going on with me lately. I was thinking about finding the local Kingdom hall and going there today,

    Someone slap me around.

  • euripides

    Sandy I won't slap you, what you need is a hug and reassurance (((Sandy))). You are craving community, you need to find it, and it is at the Kingdom Hall, with a very heavy price of admission. That price is doctrinal slavery. I urge you to look up the Unitarian Church in your community and go there. If you can't wait you might call them to see if they have an evening service tonight, or an adult education meeting. You need to get around people and get support. These lists can only provide so much. Please keep me posted, if you want to message me separately that's fine.

  • Markfromcali

    Hi Sandy,

    What is behind this feeling? Is it loneliness?

    You can certainly check out different churches, it doesn't mean you have to stay there or anything. When I left I didn't know anything, and while I checked out a few places I basically stayed away from being involved in groups because I don't care for the fakeness, you know? I don't care if it's nice, I just want people to be real - it's like what is the point if that's not there?

    A part of it might also be familiarity, but that might just be another word for old stuff, what we're used to. As bad as I felt upon leaving the JW scene, I have to say that I always did feel something was missing, it was something that was clearly there when I was still in. In fact it has to do with that fakeness.

    If it is a social thing, there are certainly plenty of us here. (and there from what I understand) Even if it is something more than that, I would suspect there is more here that is spiritually edifying or whatever you want to call it, than a lot of organized churches you might find. I'm not saying don't check those out, but just not to leave out this resource and the people who are here. It's certainly nice to be able to meet in person, but remember those 'fests happen because there was already something, some kind of connection online - the physical meeting came afterward.

  • LittleToe

    Did you just ask for a slap or a spank?

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