The wizard explained that the Tinman already had a heart, because a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.
This is good enough for me.
by pettygrudger 36 Replies latest jw friends
The wizard explained that the Tinman already had a heart, because a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.
This is good enough for me.
I agree with Badger. I think it's far more important to be loved. Without feeling loved, I don't think you can love.
Good question.
You know this thread is startin to sound like that Tom Jones song...I'm betting Mouthy will be in here any minute...*LOL*
I have experienced real unconditional love in my life even when I have made massive screw ups. People who have stuck with me through terrible times. This I think generates the ability to "pay it forward" in the love dept. Just another way of saying what teejay and Badger already said.
Have a good day petty and everyone.
District Overbeer
I can't really take one perspective or the other anymore, but the love is still there.
The first experience of this that I can remember was when I was sitting around at work, nobody else was there so my mind was wandering about 2-3 girls I found attractive, and I was trying to pick one of them and all the sudden there was nothing to direct the love to, and the love was still there, and all I could do was laugh.
I didn't really understand what that was about at the time, but I think the best way to describe it is being touched. When I was doing my hours for massage school there was a quote hanging on the wall at the club I was working at that said touch is the one sense where when you are touching another, you are also being touched. So it is always both ways, or you might say no-way in a sense, not directional, just there.
I wasn't raised with "love" - in fact I think I first began to "love" so that I would feel loved in return.
Now the return part just doesn't seem as important anymore. For me, to truly "love" someone else means that I don't expect anything in return - even love.
Or I'm just confusing myself.
No, Petty, I don't think you're confusing. I think when we give love (verb) even if we don't receive it back from that person, it eventually comes back to us, sometimes out of the blue!
To give without expectation is difficult to learn. For me, it took experiencing unconditional love, and recognizing it, before I was capable of loving unconditionally in baby steps.
Hugs and Love and Peace!
Or I'm just confusing myself.
Maybe. Some would describe that as confused love, but that means you are love - even if there is some confusion.
Lets consider the idea of being in love. If you are in it, then it is something bigger than you isn't it? It isn't like someone has more of it and can give more, you're both in it. I mean imagine swimming in a lake and giving someone water - it isn't like it belongs to anyone.
Having said that, I will say we have the power to shape that in a particular way, maybe to help our neighbor or something like that - but that oneness was already there. It would be like if you gave your friend a drink or washed their hair with the lake water, it's service but it was still there all along.
I'm reminded of a Star Trek episode (TNG?) where aliens called humans "ugly bags of mostly water". Why focus on the ugly bags when we're mostly water?
Without feeling loved, I don't think you can love.
I think that there could be no better feeling than truly feeling loved for who you are. One thing does seem to feed the other. Based on my past experience and a realization of what it truly means, I am now beginning to wonder if I even have the capacity to love.