*everybody sing*
"It's a small world after all...."
I discovered this neat association on one of my browsing expeditions today. This is my idea to end war; make friends, one at a time, until there is nobody left to fight. Ladies, do you get the same warm fuzzies I do, about what this group is trying to do? It only costs about $65 Canadian a year to join. I welcome your thoughts.
"If only people would learn that experiencing a different lifestyle is interesting, enriching and mind-opening. Too many people regard different as threatening. This suspicion and mistrust causes wars. Women have a gift for making friends, and I know 5W has in its own way made the world a smaller place. It pleases me that ordinary women travel the world, discover the joy of befriending people from very different cultures, and learn about themselves at the same time in our web of international friendship." Frances Alexander, Founder
"It is the people I've met - friends now - from across the oceans, over hills, in valleys beside rivers; the conversations I've had. I've learned to listen and to understand. Frontiers, borders mean nothing when women get together. I have gained the confidence to say what I feel, without embarrassment, to stand tall." SM, England
"5W sure beats sweeping out the creepy crawlies from a back packers' hostel!" (Comment at the Independent World Traveller's Exhibition, UK)