Have anyone of you ever heard of or read anything at LivingWaters website. It is pure evil . You would not believe what they do to people on the net who join their site. They are wicked and deplorable to say the least.
Will the real Jehovahs Witnesses Stand Up?????????
by rnovello 26 Replies latest jw friends
Would you care to fill us in, or do we have to go there and risk damnation?
I'm going right now! I'm a GLUTTON for punishment!!
Well my mother nd I use a friends computor. My mother is -was really into this site. Loved it. One day she could no longer log in. wrote wrote to them. She got a nasty letter back from someone called MadMary accussing her of playing games and kicked her off the site. So I looked at part of it. They claim to take Jesus place now. Somone is the Chieffan in Ezekial . I dont understand it all. My mother believed it all. Then I got on other sites and found horror stories of what they have done to people.. They are from the loins of the Devil. they want control of your life. Leave your family , children. all who wont believe in them
Is this them? If so, you are so right! Pure EVIL!!
So the Bible shows. God is angry with the wicked [Psalm 7:11], not with the abstract sin. If the wicked turn not, God will whet His sword?He has bent His bow and made it ready?not to shoot at the sin, but the sinner?the wicked man who has done the abominable thing. This is the only doctrine of either the Bible or of common sense on this subject" (The Guilt of Sin).
The biblical way to witness to a homosexual is not to argue with him about his lifestyle but to use the Law to bring the knowledge of sin. This will show him that he is guilty of breaking God?s holy Law, and he is damned not because of, but despite his sexual preference. The Law was made for homosexuals, as well as other lawbreakers. See Psalm 5:5 and 2 Peter 2:6?8 footnotes.
yeah, i think you need to fill us in, because i'm not about to go past step 1.
oh, and then i read your next post, and i was, like, WHOA.
sorry bout that, rnovello.
Honestly, I do not mean to diminish your pain, but this post seems unusual to say the least.I mean they are not a religion are they? it is just a website.
They sound like a bunch of lunatics. Here is advice at what to say at a funeral....worse than the dubs.
How to Preach at a Funeral for Someone You Suspect Died Unsaved By Mike Smalley
1. Start in the natural realm and swing to the spiritual.
2. Say something positive about the person who has died?either personally, or their marriage, kids, work ethic, their generation, etc. This should build rapport with the audience. Use a humorous story that relates to the above.
3. Don?t feel pressured to mention where the deceased may have gone after death (God is the only One who truly knows).
4. Never insinuate that he went to heaven.
5. Use this as a springboard: "Good friends often remind us of things that we don?t want to deal with, but that are very important. Bob, today, reminds us that we all must die."
6. Use anecdotes that convey eternal truths.
7. Go quickly but thoroughly through each of the Ten Commandments.
8. Warn briefly about sin, death, judgment, and eternity.
9. Give a clear gospel presentation.
10. Appeal to the audience to repent today. "When anyone dies, I ask myself, ?Was I faithful?? Did I speak all the truth? And did I speak it from my very soul every time I preached?"-Charles Spurgeon
No they re not just a website. They are a religion. they calim they are the True Jehovahs Witnesses They have meetings, but are very evasive when and how they meet. They call themselves Jehovahs Rightious Order World Wide. JROWW. sound familar?