My wife and I share the same believes and it gives us common ground, even when we differ on things. Our faith is the most important thing in our lives.
I don't want to push any type of belief on her.
If you do not teach her, someone else will and it probably will be something you do not like. If you do not give her instructions, how do you expect her to make a Choice later in life?
Every time we visit, there is a donation envelope in the pew and contribution box AND and offering plate.
Seem that you view the envelope, contribution box, and offering plate as something evil or at least an unwanted obligation. Some churches do put pressure on their members to contribute. Let your husband know that you do not care for that part, if the church he is going to is pressuring you into putting money in the plate. Perhaps the both of you can find a church you are more comfortable in that does not put the pressure on.
One thing on giving. Some people put the pressure on themselves when the plate is passed. The Lord wants a cheerful giver, not someone that is forced. So make sure it is the not you putting undue pressure on yourself.
The church we attend passes a plate, but no record of what one gives is kept. Unless it is over $250.00 and a name is attached. That is because the IRS requires a reciept for any gifts totalling over $250.00 given in one day to an organization for it to be counted on an individuals tax return.