Why, oh why, didn't I take the blue pill....

by mkr32208 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mkr32208

    Do any of you have the matrix wish I could just forget all this attitude sometimes? Me and the Wife were fightitng again and she asked why I can't just go back and pretend or just forget all this... She said as an athnostic you either don't belive in god or don't believe that god cares so why can't you just go and fake it... I was dumbfounded I ask her why can't you just get the f*ck out and STOP faking it... She stormed out and I sat down here....

    So I ask ya, if you could forget all the negatives about the WBTS (I know thats a lot) and just go back like nothing had ever happened would you?

  • iiz2cool

    Life is short. Why would I spend the little time I have pursuing something I don't believe in?


  • Sunnygal41

    How can you forget the negatives when they are in your face everytime you attend a meeting? At least, they were for me. I cannot express to you the feeling of sublime relief I felt after I made my stand NOT to go to meetings anymore. Mind you, my now ex was an elder, too........talk about tense times..........whew! I wouldn't ever want to go thru what I went thru coming out of the borg and my marriage........I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I feel for you.....all I can say to you is to stand up for what you believe is the right course for you. As you may have read here, there are some couples who DO manage to agree to disagree amicably about religious differences.........there's a great thread on it going right now........check it out. Terri

  • 95stormfront

    Wow......and just how long would it be acceptable to her for you to fake it until it's OK to her for you to stop....the rest of your freaking life 'till you DIE !!!!!!

    I must say...you did well by turning the question back on her; her wanting you to give up your religious freedom for "appearances" sake. How long could you look yourself in the mirror or have any self-respect if you did that?

    It hasn't gotten to that point with me and my wife yet. She's now at the stage where she's leaving magazines all over the place hoping I'll pick up and read them, have some type of epiphany and go back to meetings. She continually moves that KOTW campaign magazine front and center atop anything else I might be reading on the nightstand on my side of the bed.

    I think I'll move it to the trash where it belongs sometime this weekend.

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Some people can live a lie. I personally could not participate in a cult or cult-like group just to make someone else happy.

    On another note I would suggest to you that the severity of your wife's response might have been precipitated by your use of swearing whilst making your point. Men tend to do this when they feel strongly about something and many women tend to not enjoy being on the receiving end of strong comments where swear words are involved. I suggest a sincere apology to the Mrs. At a later time not connected to your apology try to explain your feelings on the matter. Spend time thinking in advance what you will say so it is not off the cuff and laced with raw emotion.

    Good luck.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    No. The lifestyle is very enslaving. I can't subject myself to all those meetings and time-wasting preaching activities.


  • avishai
    So I ask ya, if you could forget all the negatives about the WBTS (I know thats a lot) and just go back like nothing had ever happened would you?

    HELLLL NO!!!!! Why waste my life, make my tiny two year old sit and be quiet for two hours, expose her to ridicule, social ostracism, and a bad education at best, and molestation that will be covered up, or death due to innacurately applied, 6000 yr. old blood policies at worst? Why spend thirty hours a week at least preparing for and going to meetings and service?

    Spend my whole life with fair weather friends whose love is contingent on selling magazines? Thank you, no.

  • kwintestal
    HELLLL NO!!!!!

    Those were the exact thoughs from my mind!


  • Gill

    I'd rather be put out of my misery now than go back to that!


    I'd rather die FREE than live a MIND CONTROLLED SLAVE!

    Like the saying goes, 'you can't go home again.'

    But it's bound to be nerve racking when you first leave. Try just fading. Some meetings, then less meetings, then smile nicely and NO MEETINGS.

    What you've learnt doesn't have to make you aggressive and pushy. The freedom could give you the grace to take it easy on those who are still trapped.

  • RunningMan

    Ignorance is not bliss.

    Throughout history, people have been willing to suffer and die for the sake of knowledge. In fact, when you think about it, that is the very theme of the Adam and Eve story. You can't turn back the clock, and you can't unlearn what you know.

    Besides, if I had to pretend that something is true, I could come up with a whole lot better yarn than what the Society is spewing.

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