at last nights meeting my dad gave the announcements and he said bulletin board. after the meeting an elder came up to him to tell him that bulletin is a negative word and to say information board next time. whats up with that?
Is the word "bulletin" negative?
by crizlee 29 Replies latest jw friends
that elder is probably being a buttwipe. i see nothing wrong with saying bulletin and i dont see how jw's can see anything wrong with it either.
maybe because it has the word "bullet" in it. (like, "please, you might as well just put a bullet in my head if you make me sing the kingdum melodies) but the jw's are always nitpicking words in the english language to find something wrong with.
What?!! LOL. That so retarded, it's hilarious. Maybe because it has bullet in it?
ah..kaykay you there first.
I believe the word "bulletin" originates from the old Papal "bull", which was a directive from the Pope.
So, if you search back far enough, the word has a religious origin. Kind of like the days of the week, month, and just about everything else.
Yup... JWs don't like the word Bulletin Board but I don't recall their "logic" behind the dislike.
We are the knights who say: Neep!
Ahhhh! Don't say that!
What? You mean: NEEP?!?!
AHHHH!!! Stop it! Stop it!!!!
"we are no longer the knights who say NI! we are now the knights who say ECKY ECKY ECKY PA-TANG!"
I can't believe you just used that word. This will be the last post I post here if language like that is continued to be used.
RunningMan wins this JW Trivia Contest, with his correct answer:
I believe the word "bulletin" originates from the old Papal "bull", which was a directive from the Pope.
I used the word "bulletin" in a talk way back a hundred years ago when I was a baby MS and an elder took me aside and straightened me out on it immediately! Duly chastised, I NEVER used that word again. The preferred appellation in dubdom: Information Board.