Is the word "bulletin" negative?

by crizlee 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • crizlee

    jesus, with that logic they might as well abandon their lives and go live in the woods.

    and heres some more jw idiocies. i tried growing a shag once for the hell of it and i got lots of comments at the meetings, idiot comments and good comments, and i noticed they made lots of announcements on dress and grooming during that time, but i didnt care. i just recently got my hair styled again and im letting the hair on my chin grow, will i get comments about that too?

    now my friends in the hall, ive had for all my life. we drank, watched R movies, they would come over to my house and watch porn, and they knew i went to worldly parties and had a gf. we were going to go to cancun together on thanksgiving week. i thought they were pretty cool for uptight witnesses. but i dont know who, either one of em or both of em ratted me out and canceled their plans to go to cancun with me. one of their dads who is an elder came to my house to talk to me and my parents, and i found out what was happening and brought them down with me. i get a phone call from one of my friends telling me to confess my sins, that ill feel better, that i shouldnt lie to my parents, or use my phone after the meeting, or drink. and this dude was way like me but for some reason he changed. i go to the meetings now and they treat me like im disfellowshipped. its bad enough already that i have a hard time trying to hang out with my non jehovahs witness friends. like this sunday, i have plans to go to a study group, but i wont even be able to go to that.

  • kaykay_mp
    Kind of like the days of the week, month, and just about everything else.

    thanks a lot, RunningMan, you just gave the actual JW's that are probably hiding out on this website something to go running back to the Society with so they can nitpick it.

    ...just kidding...



  • RunningMan
    The preferred appellation in dubdom: Information Board.

    What they failed to realize was that the phrase "Information Board" originates from the latin words informaticum boardicus, which means "let's paint ourselves in blood and worship Satan under the full moon" - loosely translated. But, what they don't know won't hurt them.

  • Dawn

    seriously...........doesn't this elder have ANYTHING better to worry about - like say, an elderly brother/sister that needs rides to the meeting. Or perhaps a neighbor on the block that has been ill and could use some meals home delivered. Maybe he could worry about whether the flock fully understand the entire blood doctrine so they don't refuse medical treatment that is actually approved now. Or perhaps he should be worrying about Br. XXXX who has been privately reproved for fondling his 3 year old neice and is now offering to help sister newly singled that has a young child...

    NAH - let's waste our time with the friggin word BULLETIN BOARD! OMG this whole thing drives me hutty!

  • kaykay_mp

    ROTFLMAO Dawn!!!!



  • under74

    Sorry crizlee, are you old enough to leave yet?

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    Might it have somethig to do with the old, pre-Internet, bulletin boards?

    They were the start of the rot, so far as WT is concerned...



  • crizlee

    6 months till im 18. im in the top 5%, im pretty smart. i have the choice of enlisting the navy. or going to college far from here with the NROTC scholarship. or going to a college locally with my parents help but i would still have to go to the meetings.

  • kaykay_mp

    go for it!! the Navy thing that is!! i joined the Army to get away from home and i don't regret it at all! ...well maybe some of the things I did whist in the military, but not joining the military itself.



  • ezekiel3


    Whoa, too many mixed metaphors: A Texan ex-ARMY with a JAP avatar uses "whilst" in a sentence.

    I've got a headache.

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