Big Tex, I don't know if Valis clued you in but the answer does no good without the question. However, the matrix got screwed up by some errant time-travelers with a Scrabble board with not a blessed thing among them for producing brownian motion and all the kinks had to work themselves out over time. Then, to top it all off, the stupid Vogons had to wreck it all just as a girl at Basingstoke Roundabout had finally figured out what the fuss was all about in the first place.
Forget 42, here's the really important thing: DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR TOWEL IS?
Always being comfortable in the knowledge of the whereabouts of your towel is infinitely more important than fulfilling the whims of some transdimensional beings parading about dressed as laboratory mice! Next time you run into a Ravenous Bug-Blatter beast you'll thank me for these cautioning words, because you'll be wanting a towel to quickly place over your head.
Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster Maker
(the effect of which is suspiciously like being smashed in the head by a brick with a lemon wrapped round it)