what is the purpose of this site, anyway?

by xochsi 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    That's right, Minimus.

    How else can you cope with losing decades off your life to a religion that is utterly false? I think many would go mental if it wasn't for this place, LOL!

  • Swan
    I was wondering what it's for too. All the answers you got seem fake or excuses for just wanting to talk negatively about the JW Christian religion for no reason other than trying to make themselves feel better. You know like when you're in high school, some kids make fun of the other kids because of being insecure about themselves. It's obvious and almost humorous yet sad. Gotta feel sorry for people like that.

    Yes, I agree we are trying to make ourselves feel better, but not for the reasons you listed. I don't think of many here as insecure. I think they are more secure now than ever. Mostly they are like me, who was content to part company with the Watchtower to pursue my life. Then as a result of finally learning about the extent of the lies and hypocrisy of the Watchtower Publishing Company, I needed to come to this site to talk about the issues related to growing up in a religious cult, of having been deceived, and of the abuse suffered at the hands of some JWs. Tammy

  • LDH

    Well, I wasn't going to tell you, but since you asked, it's a front for Al Queda frontman Zarqawi who sometimes posts here as "Xochsi."

    He has been known to share FABulous recipes for Shish kebab, tabbouli and even his award winning babaganoush!


    Let's not play this game Class

  • JLL

    Why do you all get so hot? What are you so mad about? (Undercover)

    No, I'm not a JW but I believe that no matter how ridiculous their rules seem and strict a religion...they work. If you decided not to be a JW, you made a choice. You didn't agree with the teachings or principles, fine. Do you have doubts on your decision and this site helps when you talk to other disgruntled ex-JWs. Just don't get it. It's not comparable to a chat room for alcoholics.

  • under74

    "...no matter how ridiculous their rules seem and strict a religion...they work."

    So, you're not a JW but you know that the JW rules work? I believe if they did work nobody would be on this forum. If they did work, there wouldn't be people on this forum shunned by family members, there wouldn't be people on this forum that have been sexually abused as children because of the WTs policy of protecting child molesters, there wouldn't be people on this forum trying to figure out how to fit into general society...and on and on. By the way, many people on this forum didn't leave, they were forced out.

  • JLL

    Ex-JWs who followed Bible principles were forced out?

  • under74

    I think you're confusing Bible rules and Watchtower Society rules...they're two separate things.

  • JLL

    No, I'm not confused about that. I am confused about... the "Watchman Fellowship" is a tool used to help exJWs witness to JWs? It's a "virtual" copy of the Watchtower articles? The real question is why work so hard to oppose JWs if you are now happy in your life without them?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    but I believe that no matter how ridiculous their rules seem and strict a religion...they work

    With all due respect, no it doesn't. That particular sect has hurt a great many people by their policies. One purpose of this board is to serve as a sort of halfway house-type environment allowing exiting JWs to talk about their experience. FYI, this board was started by someone who was an active Witness, but eventually he too left.

    You are however correct in that we have made a decision to leave and I cannot think of anyone here who regrets that decision.

    Be well.

  • mkr32208

    It's a place for the truely devout Jehovah's Witness to come and associate with other faith oriented individuals and discuss the wonderful privilage we have to bask in the glory of the WBTS and the GB as a whole...

    Honestly it really is, I wouldnt' lie too you... maybe you should go and encourage all your devout friends to come here and read too? In fact the next time you have a talk why dont' you do your research here and then give the site address from the platform?

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