Since you hijacked Jez's thread, I borrowed her words for the title of your very own "Welcome Back BrownBoy" thread.
This can be fun. Everybody can ask you questions about Bible prophecy and such, seeing as you and him are SO close and all. Oh, WAIT The Almighty hid the answers from you, didn't He? Maybe Satan misled Well, stick around here and we'll help ya'.
I'll start off the very first question...Oh, this is so exciting to be able to hear from someone as close to God as you are!!
Since you gone back to the KH: What do the Elders think about your Prophecy?
Did they make you an Elder ?
Or maybe...YOU could be, yes...more use to the WTS as a member of the Governing Body?
I am so proud of you.
OK, I got 3 questions, I'm just SO damned excited to learn from you!