brown boy. I agree with your breakdown of some of the other churches. It's funny. I live in the projects across from a Victory outreach church. In my neighborhood the only people you ever see riding in a limo are the visiting VO pastors. That always struck me as a little crooked since they usually target gangbangers and junkies for their converts. Still, I did have a few problems with your answer. You say that people should use blind faith in following the main words and ways of Jesus until the truth is revealed. If I understand your reasoning correctly you are saying that we should contiue following the govorning body since, even though they have been wrong in the past are no doubt wrong about some things in the present, and will continue to be wrong in the future they will eventually get it right because they are sincere in their desire to lead their followers according to the will of God. One problem I have with this assertation is that following God isn't just suppose to benifit you in afterlife or post-apocolypse, it's also supposed to improve your life in the meantime. Now I'm not expecting that every JW is going to be dancing around with flowers in their hair, but the vast majority of the ones I've known are plagued with problems of mental illnes (especially depression), drug abuse, broken homes, divorce, and similar maladies at a far greater rate than so-called worldly people are. No matter how much "the light shines brighter as the day draws nearer" the sad state of JW's never seems to change (the stories of many of the people on this site will attest to that fact). I've also seen first hand how folling the teachings of Jesus as interpreted by the GB has been the direct cause of this misery. Now if someone experiences misery from following a certain course of action how can you reasonably expect them to keep following this course on the vauge promise that they will be rewarded with an everlasting life in which they will be expected to contiue following the same principles which made them miserable in the first place?