The WTBTS's proactive steps at preventing child molestation.

by formerout 140 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • avishai
    I am calling your subject a big bag of nothing since most of the posters are all ExJW's... or against JW's. They should not be posting... only the WTBTS should since they are the only ones that can give those important steps to (everyone) in the family.I am calling your subject a big bag of nothing since most of the posters are all ExJW's... or against JW's. They should not be posting... only the WTBTS should since they are the only ones that can give those important steps to (everyone) in the family.

    What, brobennett, answers like "We keep these things quiet?" An answer I've heard on many ccasions, regarding my brother?

    I'll tell you what gives me the right to post. Do you have children? Have you had to wake up every night to your brother screaming and crying due to being raped? Your brother screaming every time he went to the hall? Have you ever been threatened with disfellowshipping if you or your family members take it to the police or get counseling outside the cong.? Have you been physically attacked or raped by a JW and been forced to be polite to him? No? Then I speculate that YOU have no right to post the things you do.


    Have you had a penis forced into your mouth at four years old and then been told to forgive the man who did it? If not, then shut up.

  • BroBennett

    No doubt that is where my quote is from... that is why I posted them all here for you to read. Where do you see the twists? Jesus Christ showed us all how to evade evil men is that not true? If a government asked you to go kill another man would you do so? If you had the wrong government under dictatorship rule like Hitler would you obey men rather than God? Where is the twist you speek about kind sir?


    I am sure you have every right to post when you get the chance, I was just saying that the topic should be used for good, and not propaganda that the Silent Lambs Crew can use.

  • formerout


    This will be my last post to you.

    I am calling your subject a big bag of nothing since most of the posters are all ExJW's... or against JW's. They should not be posting... only the WTBTS should since they are the only ones that can give those important steps to (everyone) in the family.

    Then go back to your JW website. In 10 years come on back. We will see how you are doing emotionally then and you can see how we are. Some won't be here, some will, but all will be better. WHY? Because we are here because we recognize that the WTBTS is not without fault, just as we are not without fault. If you want to believe you are without fault go back where you will be in the company of similar people.

    You are a very frustrating person to talk to, but I feel more pity for you than I do feel disgust for you. You have never been to the outside world for a second. It's not as bad as you have been told. It's actually full of a lot of really good people. The biggest difference with us and your org. is that we realize our imperfection. It is NOT a bad thing, you know.

    Honestly, take care.

    Good night,


  • avishai
    I am sure you have every right to post when you get the chance, I was just saying that the topic should be used for good, and not propaganda that the Silent Lambs Crew can use.

    It ain't propaganda if it's true, buddy. There's other sites that are far more about propagfanda and bringing down the WTS. SL, like me wants the abuse to stop. They don't care if you believe that the holy trinity consists of Snufalupagus, Santa Clause and Christopher walken.

    We just want the cover ups to stop. We want justice for the kids. Nothing more. I don't care what you bellieve, I just want your religion to follow caesars law and stop blaming the victims.

  • under74

    BroBennett is loving all this attention like another guy with the initials BB...why do JWs love to be persecuted so much that they seek it out? Doesn't make any sense to me.

  • Golf
  • gdt

    My 50 years baptized, many really good years, some lousy ones, gives me enough age to tell 'bb' (who sounds like a young unmarried kid enthused for the truth but short on maturity), to get off this subject and realize there is indeed much work to prevent/correct child abuse. Not just within 6.6 million but all organized society. Has the policy of the Society produced 'good fruits'? Can it be improved? Even the HQ brothers have said Yes to that.

    In the meantime 'bro.b' ,please back off and appreciate that sometimes 'silence IS golden.'

    gdt. So unlike me but I've had a belly full of this, much the same as many of you have. 'b.b' does not represent the Society, no more than I but there is no reason for anyone to discredit the Society for much of what has been said.

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    'b.b' does not represent the Society, no more than I but there is no reason for anyone to discredit the Society for much of what has been said.

    The problem is, gdt. that his attitudes are very typical and very common amongst the majority of JWs.

    I am glad that at least you as a JW are seeing that his attitude is wrong but I think you are unfortunately in the minority gdt with the JWs on this issue of child sexual abuse.

  • jgnat

    It is really unfair to paint all Christians with the Catholic brush. I mean, it is all over the news how the Catholic church tried for many years to brush off this most embarrassing problem. This can happen when leadership becomes complacent and is used to its' followers obeying without complaint. It takes great courage and leadership to admit they are wrong and make necessary changes to policy. It could cost money. Leadership may lose face. Members may leave in disgust.

    My church has been very proactive in dealing with the child abuse issue. Their strategy is prevention. All children's workers are required to go for child abuse training, which teaches us what is appropriate and what is not, and how to look for signs of abuse in our charges. All children's workers are required to go for a police check. Our instructor says we lose several volunteers a year, who chose not to risk a police check. Makes you wonder, eh?

    The Jehovah's Witnesses have created an atmosphere where a male pedophile can operate with little interference. Partly because of their intense desire to maintain that "squeaky-clean" image, it is very difficult for leadership to admit they have a problem. Where there is secrecy, coverups, and heavy authority, the weakest members of the organization are unlikely to speak up. That a few courageous ones are, means the problem is systemic.

    I say, the true strength of a society is apparent by how well it treats it's weakest members, and if leadership is courageous enough to admit serious error. I have a feeling that is how Jesus would have treated the matter, and that he would not be pleased with the way the WTBTS is handling it.

  • lisaBObeesa

    BroBennet: Don't you find it interesting that there are so many JWs and exJWs with painful storys of being asked to NOT GO TO THE POLICE when they were sexually abused by a pedo in the congregation?

    There are so many! It is the same story over and over: "We the elders will take care of it. Do not bring reproach on Jah's name by going to the police..."

    You can quote from the WT and Awake and the Bible all you want, but these people are STILL HERE. They are real people with real storys of being told to cover up abuse. Real people with real feelings and real pain. It doesn't take much research to find that this is true.

    I was raised a JW and I personally knew of one MS who molested his step daughter and she tried to commit suicide over it. When it all came out, he was not reported to the police, per the directions of the elders.

    So quote the publications all you want and believe it all you want. But the JW victims are here. The JW victims are real. Thank God some of them are brave enough to tell their painful stories in order to try to get the Org to change this policy of not reporting.

    There are several of them, real actual victims who have lived through the elders telling them not to report, on this thread right now! They are telling you what happend to them! And you are quoting WT at them! They LIVED IT! Please validate their pain and what they have gone through and at least admit what the elders have done to them is wrong!

    These people should not be told to shut up about the TRUTH that happened to them because it 'brings reproach on the Jah's name." Covering up and hiding Pedophiles is what brings reproach... on all JWS! Work for change!

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