Off to discover the abusive past

by Bryan 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bryan

    Understand though, Pink, concerning my grandfather. I am currently speaking with family I have never met. Some of them have not seen each other for 30 years. They all agree that my grandfather was an abusive drunk. Not to mention the letters of apology I have that he wrote as early as 1955.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Good luck Bryan. I hope what you find is what you need.

  • Bryan

    That's the key Chris.

    I hope what I find is what I NEED.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Yeah I've been there. Years ago when I did some investigating I didn't get everything I needed, but I'm glad I made the effort. When you open those old doors though you don't know what's inside.

    Good luck.

  • Bryan

    I just received a call from an second cousin that I've never met. She heard I called her aunt last night. Very interesting conversation.

    "Angie is nothing but a light in my life." She said.

    "Your mother was demonized." My father said.



    Have You Seen My Mother

  • seeitallclearlynow

    ((((Bryan)))) That's one of the saddest family stories I've ever heard Bryan. I'm so glad you found the letter and now know that of course, your mother loved you. I hope you can take comfort in that knowledge. And have a nice visit, whatever information surfaces.

  • redhotchilipepper

    Have fun Bryan! All the best to you!

  • bem

    (((Bryan))) I can relate to what you may be "looking" for, I met my father when I was thirty-six. it was a very good thing! at first. I decided when I no longer wanted him in my life. But at least I had the opportunity to meet him and talk about my life. I would loved to have had a better life growing up. Had it been with him it would of been a different life. I may of turned out like the half -brothers and sisters he raised. That may of made me more like him. and that is not a good thing. But either way at least I had the oportunity to meet him and reconcile a disappointing sadness I had always felt in my life. I believe, I Grew up after I met him. And the meeting wasn't the hallmark card moment I wanted!... it was at least the thing I needed to fix parts of me that needed to meet him.

    I wish you the very best. I look forward to finding out how things go for you.


  • Sunnygal41

    Bryan!! Good Luck and a Spirit Blessing on your journey! I envy you the chance to reclaim your past, but, at the same time it seems that it might be scary least for me it would be............I'm sure tho, that it will have some rewards, even if it's just to put some closure on events in your family.......... Terri

  • waiting

    Hello Bryan,

    Wishing you the best in finding information.........and then emotionally thinking & feeling about it. Please take your time in thought making (for want of better words).....because as each new information piece comes forth - it fits somewhere in your puzzle. Sometimes in a good way, sometimes not.

    It took me 5 trips & years back to my childhood city, much driving around, and even asking strangers if I could walk through their houses to try and put my memories in some kind of order. Amazingly enough, no one ever turned me down.....and thankfully, I had my husband with me.

    It put a time sequence to the random memories I had and helped a lot. I didn't turn up any *good* memories. But it still helped me - some memories were rock solid, and some were distorted by being a young child, or by remembering what someone had told me...instead of the memory of seeing/experiencing the happening myself.

    Wishing you peace and comfort.


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