Yeah i take my final final later on today and then a short well deserved break until January.
Missed oppourtunities as a JW kid?
by kwintestal 24 Replies latest jw friends
I applaud anyone that continues to go to school. 30-40 years from now in your retirement you will be so happy that you did work your butt off and you will at least have a retirement.
IF you stayed cleaning houses, what retirement do you get then? I remember those good ole days, cleaning houses and hanging wallpaper.
haha...justtickledpink its funny you mentioned hanging the wallpaper because my stepmom does that too....she was even commissioned to do the decor for the new hall when it was built....the hanging all the wallpaper and stuff was her little forte'
Winston Smith :>D
Missed oppourtunities as a JW kid?
I'd like to give myself a swift, stern kick in the ass for not taking the full scholarship I was offered, for fighting with my high-school counselor to allow me to take a pass on college to Reg Pio , and pass on an internship working at an architectural studio that would have paid my way through archi school to reg pio.
Man what an arrogant, self-righteous, JW dumbass I was.
Damn, now I'm 15 years behind schedule. At least I woke-up when I did, I still have a good part of my life left
Working at an architectural firm now, plan on going to archi school soon, so that's cool.
Passing up family get-togethers, school social events and friends to be a good JW, well, that's water under the bridge, but it still kinda pisses me off.
Country Girl
Guess I was pretty lucky in that I had a very interested, and interesting JW mother. She gave us music and art lessons, took us camping, to museums, zoos, traveling. She taught me alot and for that I am very grateful. She also let us play with the neighbor kids, and participate at school as long as it wasn't directly to do with holidays. In high school, I was in gymnastics and the track team, and my very best friend was worldly, but she was really nice and my parents loved her. Wasn't that long ago, either... we just had a more liberal KH.