I'm new to this. I want some ideas. Thank you.......
What's Your Budget For Christmas Shopping???
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
Nancy Drake
I just keep buying stuff until my credit card gets cut in half.
There's a budget limit?
My husband and I save through the year for x-mas so that we don't end up with credit card bills in January. The budget should really depend on your financial situation. One family might budget $1000 and another can only spend $500 - it just depends on what you can aford without going into debt. It's really the thought that counts. In fact, my friends and family all love my homemade gifts the best (I make christmas candy and kahluah, then wrap it up in pretty jars and boxes).
My advice is to just have fun and don't worry about it too much. If you overspend you'll end up regretting it in the long run and that just ruins the christmas spirit.
It's not very much, but it's WAY up from the last 25 years!
100$ in presents for each child, plus their stalkings...
I am new to this also, its my third year
I don't have any kids, but this year I am buying gifts for my husbands family, about 20 people. I set my spending limit to no more then 40.00 a person. I know, I'm cheap... But I don't want to be broke next month.
It depends on the person. We don't have any kids yet (we will next year ) so we are taking a $1,000 for ourselves and spliting it, my sister, his sister, and good friend we spent $100 on, and the rest average between 40-60 depending on how close we are to them. I feel though with Christmas it doesn't matter how much you spend it is who you are with. Next I plan to start a Christmas savings account in January and put away every month so we have all our money for Christmas.
Half from what I already spent.
Too much... lol... It started out with a list that totaled about $650, but then we ended up doing some charity stuff (another $300) and then I'd find a gift here or there that I couldn't pass up...and then there were stamps for the cards and postage for gifts out of the area, and boxes and wrapping and bows...lol...oh well!! I think it will be about $1200 by the time we're all done. But I figure it's only our second Christmas, so it's okay this one time to really treat the people we love. We have years to make up for!!