Grampy made each grandchild a homemade wooden toy/craft and we'll put one extra item into the package that accompanies said toy, so no real expense there.
Actually I had been going through a slight depression because of the "no money" for the holiday, when I remembered it's not about going out to the store and purchasing something that we simply cannot afford. It's the Spirit of Love and all that stuff that we celebrate, and with that attitude it's been an eye opener in seeing just how many I was able to wrap last night. {gratitude, perhaps}
With only one grown child, and three grandchildren, they get everything after our demise anyhow, so I've been going through ALLLLL of this "stuff" that's been lugged around for years and making gifts out of it.
I'm giving my son my grandmother's wooden cigar box that is in excellent condition. That makes it my grandchildren's great-great grandmother's....damn, that sounds old! Anyhow, I went through a lot of old pictures and put them into the box with a couple of old items of my grandmother's...that's it for him.
Other than a rather inexpensive DVD player for the family. And I really don't feel bad not having money this season, I feel GOOD because we just don't need the additional credit card hangover for having celebrated the miracle of family/friends.
Like another poster mentioned, we sorta have Christmas all year long because we spoil the grandchildren in exchange for that warm fuzzy feeling one get from, "there is more happiness in giving then receiving." And with little one's it's easy to spend anytime.
So, if your wondering about 'budget', we don't have one. Overall guess we spent, maybe, $60.00 for any extra's. Wow. No wonder I handle the checkbook...I'm good!
We're doing open house on Christmas if anyone wants to drop in for a bit of turkey with all the trimmings. All food compliments of the food bank my husband volunteers at. Now, how do you not have gratitude, eh.
Granny, of the "I can't wait" class. HO HO HO