Yeapers, I'd be ticked off too.
Living in a trailer park UGH has proven interesting. First experience as such, and hope a last one.
So, garbage.
When new off-site managers took over, I would write a letter to not only them, but the owners - enclosing the pics. they say, pictures are worth a thousand words. But, I also have to sometimes keep on top of piss poor management that in turn hires some of the laziest help. How in hell do these so-called professionals really keep a steady cliental is beyond me.
I LOVVVVVVVVE writing letters to those "in charge." They really are such idiots that think, probably really don't care because it's not their neighborhood, do they really think everyone living in a "trailer park" is some sort of riff raff, drug dealing skum that couldn't care less about their answer necessary.
For shi$ sake, I had too suggest they request an additional 3rd trash bin in hopes of eliminating some of the, on the ground garbage, because there are a lot of people with kids around here. Who gets paid for making some basic decision for what might help...sure wasn't me.
Granny, of the "'Ive stopped picking up other peoples' trash" and call management that is getting paid to clean this area up.