Am I missing something, with old blood card you could choose not to carry it without anyone knowing that. Is the new arrangement regimenting and recording obedience , taking it out of your hands? Do congregation have copies etc of the documents so a HLC member could use them to "safeguard You"?
New Provision to Assist Us to Abstain From Blood - Dec KM
by truthseeker 46 Replies latest watchtower medical
If the WTS needed to issue a "new" provision to assist the R&F in abstaining from blood, would that suggest that the "old" provisions weren't cutting it, implying that more and more JWs were quietly skirting the rules?
The elders have decreed that you must give a copy of your new blood card to the congregation secretary to keep on file. My husband is completing his as we speak. I don't know if he realizes he will be required to make a copy for the secretary. (Never mind, he'll do whatever he's told to do without question) I won't be completing my card which I do have on hand. If the elders enquire about my card, what should my husband say about it to them? He has just joined a new congregation and by default I have too. So my "report" card will be going to this new congregation. I have no idea what my report card might say about me - my husband has made it known to the old congregation elders that I don't want any calls from elders or calls from sisters - that I'm not feeling up to it. Haven't been for a few months, and they're respecting that so far. So whether I'm marked "inactive" I don't know, I would guess so. Gawleee! this business gets complicated. PS I'm sorry, I'm being lazy not to read over everyone's post and understand this. Admonish me if you wish.
So this is the scenario - husband hands a copy of his blood card to the secretary, the secretary (or another elder) asks whether his wife will be completing one and handing it in, husband says "NO", elder says why not? or she must! or something. What can I direct my husband to say? Said wife won't be completing one. Will I no longer be a JW in their eyes? Oh, maybe it will be written on my "report" card that I chose not to complete a card. I just don't know - anyone here have any idea?
My husband has asked that I keep my "apostasy" from the elders so I don't get disfellowshipped for apostasy and lose all chance of being reinstated in the future if I want. I agreed to that to keep the peace. So as far as the brothers and sisters are concerned, I'm "just not up to it" which they read as verrrry depressed! If they only knew I feel better than I have in a long long time.
There is a question here in all this mess - what can I suggest my husband say to the elders when they ask where is your wife's blood card?
Another question. I know it's answered in all your previous posts somewhere, but could we just keep it simple? I do want to have the choice of getting a blood transfusion in an emergency. I don't carry my old blood card with me (I should destroy it). If I'm incapacitated, can my husband refuse blood on my behalf? Can the elders? If they have a copy of my old blood card on file can anyone (husband or elders) use it to refuse blood for me?
I know this is a conversation my husband and I will have to have soon. Aaaaaarrrgghhh!! Okay, I'm cool ...
Creating a medical Power of Attorney in UK can be quite expensive, need your Doctors certificate, notifying ALL known relatives, and Registration with authorities, without which it is worthless.
It's called CYA for the gb. Those self righteous fools seem to be distancing themselves more and more from the rank and file and doing whatever it takes to CYA for themselves.
Since the Australia 'inquisition' and other court cases into the child abuse scandal, I believe that the members of the gb now know that they are no longer "untouchable" by the laws of the land.
Oh and for all of you great friends from outside the USA, the gb will eventually get around to you on all their new stuff, but for now you will have to wait because , after all the wtbts is an American religion first!
just saying!
A new provision us,.......usually means more control emotionally or physically fot the WT
Lee Elder
I would suggest writing a letter to your doctor explaining exactly what is going on in detail. Let him or her know precisely what your wishes are regarding the use of blood, blood fractions, etc. Keep a copy of that letter folded up in your wallet with his contact information. Be certain not to carry any old WTS "no blood" documents on your person. If the elders press your husband, he should tell them that you are "too fragile" emotionally to press on any of these issues and under professional care. i.e. back the fuck down. (pardon my french).