Hilarious rumours!!!

by gerbils 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narkissos

    I was df'd for apostasy in Paris (1986) along with a fellow pioneer. When I visited a former "Bible study" about 400 kms from there a few weeks later, I learned the rumour was going that we were both df'd for homosexuality! (I don't know how it started, just because we were two young men or because they didn't get the word "apostasy" -- after all, it's a Greek word!). Well, never mind.

    Several years later, my JW father (now deceased) told me that I had been sneaking apostasy into the French WT literature (as I was previously a translator in Bethel). I wish I had done it but I didn't. Apparently this one grew big as I recently found what might be an allusion to it in the fourth edition of Crisis of Conscience (p. 322, "In French-speaking countries the rumor [about the Spanish translation by René Vázquez and others] was adjusted to apply to French translation work"). Whether it is related or not, in my case this was absolutely false. I did have some problems with the Branch Committee when I asked questions about minor inconsistencies in a Fred Franz Watchtower article: they were too afraid to ask Brooklyn as I suggested, so they decided to amend my translation in order to sweep the problem under the carpet and assigned me to other translation work under the pretext that my translation was not literal enough for the Watchtower (I had been translating it for several years). That's all. About one year after that I left Bethel, was appointed special pioneer again and was df'd several months later (unrelated to any translation issue). But I guess everything I had done before became retrospectively suspect...

  • Insomniac

    I've heard, at various times, that I am:

    Living with my boyfriend

    Having an affair with my best friend (a very cute, but very gay, man)

    Living in a psychiatric treatment facility

    Fighting off cancer

    A prostitute

    A drug dealer

    None of this stuff is true. I feel sort of bad, in fact, that my life is so dull that they have to make this s%*t up about me.

  • gerbils

    these stories are fantastic! amazing the things that people come up with huh?

    You've made me laugh so much today

    Bex x

  • unbeliever

    That I left town because I was pregnant. In reality I moved away to attend college.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    reminds me of a book I read just about the time of my JW exit,....

    it was called DON'T CALL ME BROTHER

    about a circus announcer who became invovled with pentacostals.... the more his fame and status grew

    in the movement, the more gossip and backstabbing lies he found going on around him....it sickened him to the

    point of waking up from this entrancement, but not before they cost him his marriage and almost his life.

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    Someone said that I was a lesbian that married a guy so he could get his green card.

  • outoftheorg


    I just spent the morning with one of my daughters. She is married to a jw who is mentally impaired. His mother is also impaired and my daughter is mildly impaired. All members of the jw detention facility jw's.

    Now isn't that a fine mix?? She is having some problems. Gee I wonder why.

    Anyway, the subject of elders came up and she commented that an elder and one of the sisters had commented "that they missed me" and that I was one of the few good elders. That I was the only one who helped them with problems.

    Should I be insulted or pleased? Cognitive dissonance here. I've been df'd 13 yrs. now.


  • gerbils

    Outoftheorg! I'd suggest that you feel highly elated. What it means is that you are a nice individual, someone to be trusted and conversed with. I'm sure they do miss u. Slightly worrying that they haven't found someone to talk to in 13 years tho!

  • Coqueton

    I was a Nazi, and planning for World War III because I owned alot of guns. I was "stockpiling" them. BS, i had owned 20-30 for years and many were WWII relics and others fine sporting guns.

    Now they say I am a pimp because I am always out partying with groups of young, cute girls. They are just jealous that they have old fatties that are ugly!

  • whyamihere

    I almost peed my pants Nancy!!!!!!!!!!!!

    One time they said I poisoned a teacher in highschool .............shhhhhhh Nancy and its Cupcake!(inside joke)

    Brooke WI

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