should we joke of such things when there are people out there who battle every day with REAL demons not funny
Get behind me SATAN!!!!
by Elsewhere 27 Replies latest jw friends
I can feel the posession starting just by reading this thread...
mmmmmmmmmm, m - u - s - t - h - a - v - e k - r - i - s - p - y k - r - e - m - e d - o - u - g - n - u - t - s ........
Bit of a bugger really, considering I'll have to fly several thousand miles to get a fresh one !
Bull! <Bet ya can hear my tummy grumbling all the way across the pond now !! Thanks!! >
That story is untrue, you know how I know it's not true? Because you weren't at a real Krispy Kreme ordering the HOT and NOW donuts from the counter.
You being in a grocery store and shelved donuts jumping into your cart? Hardly believeable...
But if you were to drive by a Kripy Kreme with the sign lit up with the red neon blaring "HOT and NOW" and you pulled into the parking lot and parked your car... then I can imagine being tempted and the donuts literally hovering in mid air until they shoved themselves into your mouth, while the glaze was still hot and the donut was still warm, soft, and yummy.
Damn, then Krispy Kremes. They are literally an orgasm in your mouth. Your tongue has never has so much fun until you lick a Krispy Kreme.
(Disclaimer: At the time of this post, the writer had no financial interest in the KK company)
Damn, then Krispy Kremes. They are literally an orgasm in your mouth. Your tongue has never has so much fun until you lick a Krispy Kreme.
So THATS what flavour women are !!!!
damn make me want a donut really bad now as if i didn't want one from reading all the other posts.
Ok, if y'all can't have a donut right now, this is your ONLY alternative to enjoying an orgasm in your mouth.
Take thick sliced bacon and put it on a broiler pan with holes in the bottom, the fat has to drain, then cover it with brown sugar, then put tiny crushed pecans on top. Then bake it at 350 for 30 mins or so... then broil it for like 1-2 mins to get it crispy.
You end up with brown sugar coated bacon that is all glazy and yummy and delish. That is the ONLY alternative.
"Orgasm in the mouth"
Happy Guy :)
I was lucky enough to be living close to the very first Krispy Kreme donut store opened in Canada about 3 or so years ago. People went crazy for them here right away. They had to have a cop directing traffic in and out of their parking lot for weeks. Now they sell them individually and in pre-packaged boxes at the gas station down on the corner from where I live.
They are dangerously good.
should we joke of such things when there are people out there who battle every day with REAL demons not funny
"real" demons? do you mean demon demons, like spirits lurking in the shadows of antique shops, or personal demons, i.e. metaphors for our struggles with life? i really wanna know what you believe. thank you.
Get behind me SATAN!!!!
proof that jesus was gay?