How many of the Jacksons are Disfellowshipped or Disassociated?

by booker-t 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • booker-t

    Does anybody know the current status of the Jackson family. Is Michael Jackson Disfellowshipped or Disassociated? What about LaToya Jackson? And Janet Jackson is she Disfellowshipped? I was talking to a co-worker or mine and she told me that she heard that Katherine Jackson( Mike's Mom) was Disfellowshipped but I don't think so because I heard Janet on a radio show and she said that her mom lives at the kingdom hall.( she might be a pioneer) So I hardly believe that she is DF'd but why do she still hang out with her DF'd and DA'd kids and not get into hot water with the elders?

  • blondie

    To the best of my knowledge

    Mother Jackson--JW

    Rebbie Jackson--daughter--JW

    LaToya--daughter--DF'd JW ( ?--reinstated?)

    Michael Jackson--son--DA's per secret letter from WTS

    The father and the rest of the kids are not JWs and never were (except being forced to go as minor children, never baptized)

  • TresHappy

    I remember hearing that some of the wives of the Jackson sons were Witnesses, specifically Randy. Anyone know if that's true?

  • blondie

    I didn't find anything on Google about the spouses. Randy has been married twice, the last divorce was in 1992. Could be but I haven't found anything.


  • jwsons

    I record to a VHS tape the inteview in David Letterman Show, Janet Jackson admitted she is a JW and she also said she now enjoy her birthday with a little bit feeling of guilty.


  • under74

    I think it's kinda weird that Jermaine (convert to Islam) did a lecture type tour in the Middle East (and I think parts of Afriica) and Firpo Carr tagged along.

    Anyone got any insight to why?

  • blondie
    I record to a VHS tape the inteview in David Letterman Show, Janet Jackson admitted she is a JW and she also said she now enjoy her birthday with a little bit feeling of guilty.

    Did she happen to mention if she is baptized? I don't think so. I have know people who grew up as JWs but weren't baptized consider themselves JWs. I have also know adults who studied with JWs say they were. Once I when I still went d2d I met a woman who told me about the JW family down the block, the one that put up Christmas lights every year. I had never heard of them and I had been in that congo for 15 years. So I went down and talked to the family. It turned out that they had studied for about 5 years but never were baptized and did not attend the meetings but told everyone they were JWs...hmmmm

    The Wayans grew up with a JW father but I don't think any of them are baptized.

    Janet's not being baptized could explain why she could admit to celebrating her birthday publicly and not worry about being DF'd. But then I have been told that it is not an automatic DFing offense by some ex-JWs or that it is by others.

    Notice how Janet is quoted in this 2001 interview:

    I grew up a Jehovah's Witness, that's my mother's religion, and you're not supposed to think of dating unless you're ready to get married."
  • under74

    Am I the only one who knows who Firpo Carr is?

  • glitter

    How old was Jacko when he was baptised then?

  • Cicatrix

    Am I the only one who knows who Firpo Carr is? Nope. He's the guy that wrote the book defending the divine name as being Jehovah. I used to have that book. In fact, his intro in which he explained how he attended seminary without the elder's express permission got me to thinking:) As to why he is touring and lecturing, I haven't a clue.

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