How many of the Jacksons are Disfellowshipped or Disassociated?

by booker-t 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • under74

    Ahh...glad someone else has heard of him and I'm not crazy.

    Yeah, didn't he also say at one point that he was in school working towards a phd...even though he's a Witness and shouldn't be schoolin' himself?

    The whole lecture thing seemed too weird to me because Jermaine Jackson was the headliner and he was lecturing and meeting with people about Islamic peoples in the US.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Mother Jackson--JW

    Rebbie Jackson--daughter--JW

    LaToya--daughter--DF'd JW ( ?--reinstated?)

    Michael Jackson--son--DA's per secret letter from WTS

    The father and the rest of the kids are not JWs and never were (except being forced to go as minor children, never baptized)

    I think Blondie has it right. To my knowledge Janet was never baptized.

  • sandy

    Does anybody know if MJ still contributes $ to the WT?

    Interesting clue: Former bro. Jackson is reportedly still contributing to the "worldwide publishing work" (financially, of course.)

  • Gill

    If MJ is disassociated then how come they'll take his money?

  • blondie

    If a DF'd person puts money in the contribution box at the KH, I have never seen the elders give it back.


  • simplesally

    They will take anybodies money.

  • freedom96

    Firpo Carr loves media attention, and is a complete idiot. He offers nothing of value to anyone watching him. He also has tried to make himself the un-official Jackson spokesman.

  • TheOldHippie

    I've read all of Firpo's books, and have communicated with him per e-mail, and he strikes me as being somewhat - to put it mildly - egocentric; he was the first man ever to discover this and that, to travel here and there, so gain access to this and that etc. The center of the Universe, whereas in fact whathe produces are things already published or more or less commonly known, or self-evident things.

    But then, if you're a poor black JW in the US and has a good head for reading and gets a good education, and wants to tell the world something - I gues it is understandable that it somehow gets into your head and you take off .........

  • under74

    "But then, if you're a poor black JW in the US and has a good head for reading and gets a good education, and wants to tell the world something - I gues it is understandable that it somehow gets into your head and you take off ........."

    I don't really think I agree. One, he's tried to re-write JW history. Two, I question his "education." Three, I don't think that just because you're black, poor, and a JW with reading skills and an agenda makes one an egomaniac. Four, I question his Dubism...why would he go on an Islamic lecturing tour?

  • Quotes

    But if Janet ever was baptised, there would be a crowd hoping to catch a glimpse of another "wardrobe malfunction" caused nipple exposure!

    ~Quotes, of the "A Slacks Malfunction In The Subway got me arrested" class

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