G'day all,
Well here we are on a new server and it's not too bad, is it! Apart from that, how's your weekend been?
A highlight for us was partaking of a fine cabernet merlot. It's from the Burton winery in south Australia and was bottled in 2002. It went down very well with a Thai meal. You may have guessed by now that Mrs Ozzie and I love Asian food, especially Thai cuisine - when it's well done, of course, with such distinctive yet simple tastes - there seems to be no 'clouding' of tastes in Thai cooking.
You may have noticed that the regular weekend poll hasn't appeared for the past two weekends - well, you did notice, didn't you? - well, didn't you???
Unfortunately things have been hectic around here of late and the weekend poll has been the victim of the "delayed annual report syndrome" that seems to have afflicted the WTS also!
So we've prevailed on the Writing Department to bring us a topical poll this weekend. It's based on the announcement in the latest issue of "kingdom Ministry" that the blood cards are to be combined on to just one. Why have they done it? That prompts this weekend's poll question which is:
Why do the R&F believe that the blood card has been changed?
1. Simplification.
2. Reduce the Society's paper costs.
3. They can tell the governments that they are making their contribution to world paper reductions.
4. Ink's in short supply?
5. The R&F couldn't understand the forms.
6. The elders didn't have enough time to explain the forms.
7. The R&F are being prepared for a radical change in blood prohibition.
8. They forgot there was no now two forms!
9. It seemed like a good idea at the time!
10. The big form didn't fit in a hip wallet.
11. Other (please detail)
So there we are - care to share? Post your completed poll form here.
Cheers, Ozzie