"Hello one I don't recall that we've ever interacted, and so I'd like to take this opportunity to so do:"
Don't recall either and thanks
First of all read comment made by Perry.above.
"What some might perceive as cynical is, in another perspective, simply a matter of being realistic. Realism can produce cynicism, but not necessarily so: a measure of the person. "
My worry exactly, semantics
You asked:
" By what? "
"By whom?"
"By what methodology?"
I asnwer::
by humans,
empirical resultas as implied in my comment
"But whence comes law? "Law" is a communal determination of what will be allowed, or disallowed, in a certain social arrangement,
"from the Neandertals down through all the supposedly increased refinements of politics in each generation."
"In that respect, there is no absolute standard of intrinsic good and bad".
Ask any reasonable person and she will tell you that what the law does not "allow" is BAD... AND basic laws are very similar worldwide, generally speaking.
Don't you think that since the "Neandertals" some progress has been made regarding abuse, law and order?
The standard has always been there, problem was that it has been slowly 'legislated', during the mean time some commit abuse. Do away with the Constitution and see what happens, hell break loose... what THAT real perspective tell you about intrinsic human inclination?
Of course some actions can not be described as bad or good but there is and intrinsic "standard", which humans themselves agree upon, the same way there are GENERALLY AGREED "STANDARD" for measuring anything, including how tall anyone is, no matter what the measured INDIVIDUAL personally think about it.. .
Through history the standards for good and bad have been pretty much "absolute" and consistant, due to "legislation" common abuse or "bad" actions have been reduced.
Legislation for the sake of this discussion means putting in writting and refining the definitions of what is "BAD"
"If there is an implicit standard of human behavior, exterior to conditioned and social "norms," I'd sure be glad to know about it "
exterior to conditioned?
Have you been conditioned NOT to eat your child at the first conditon of no finding food?
"And what is that? "
The conclusion of the observed results... too much damage being caused to fellow humans.
Because that's a better way for no getting hurt (damage) AND the best way to win an argument. For example if a jw does not open his mouth to question a WT teaching he prevents being shunned (BAD action, intrinsic among WT members) by his family.
Rembember no analogy is perfect.
Fisrt of all read comment made by Perry.above.