very interesting. I am waiting for the day that they offer the magazines as pdf files and leave all the printing to the individual witnesses. They buy the paper and ink themselves. What a novel idea!
2004 Worlwide Report
by frogit 53 Replies latest jw friends
Good point Joker10. The numbers are almost meaningless. But from year to year we can "discern" trends as long as they are consistently reporting the numbers. The WTBTS makes such a big deal out of the numbers especially so to prove Joe Hover's blessing that it is great fun to turn their own numbers (and words) back on them. shame on them. battman
Notice that in the countries where there are major lawsuits re: blood (Canada) and child abuse (USA) there is a decrease.
Truly, the "Work" is slowing down.
And Japan - well, they loose 6,500 publishers with the most minimal increase they've had for years.
Norway also lost a few publishers, Sweden and Denmark.
Britain lost too, gaining a handful of publishers. It's peak of 132,000 way back in 1996 will never be repeated again.
The 2% increase this year is down 0.2% from 2003. A tiny drop, but still a drop.
I wondered how WT increases compare to a country's quality of life. I copied a 1998 scale from
and compared it to this report.
Best Countries: Score % Increase
1. Denmark 98 -1
2. Norway 96 0
3. Austria 93 0
3. Sweden 93 -1
4. France 92 1
5. Finland 91 0
5. Luxembourg 91 0
6. Ireland 89 2
7. Poland 89 1
7. Germany 88 0
8. Italy 88 0
8. Netherlands 88 0
8. Iceland 88 -1
8. Hungary 87 0
9. Slovenia 87 1
9. Belgium 87 0
9. United Kingdom 87 0 (Britain in the WT)
9. Portugal 86 0...and for the worst countries in the world.....
Worst Countries:
1. Angola -25 6
2. Afghanistan -11
3. Sierra Leone -8 9
4. Somalia -7
5. Liberia -5 12
6. Mozambique -3 1
7. Chad 1 -3
8. Ethiopia 1 5
9. Niger 5 4
10. Eritrea 6
11. Burkina-Faso 7 5
11. Guinea-Bissau 7 13
12. Uganda 8 10
12. Guinea 8 6
13. Rwanda 9 8It seems to me the best defence against a robust JW community is a healthy and happy populace. Perhaps the WTS is the religion for the miserable.
Your statistics prove that increasing the quality of life is a satanic conspiracy to stop the light of the truth from shining. Thank you satan!
What's this, the land downunder's neither the best or the worst????!!!! Struth, whoever would think the land downunder is bland!!!
Is it possible that the society is not Disfellowshipping as much as before in order to keep numbers higher?
The comment on the report , as carried in the same issue (Feb 1st page 18 par 17) was interesting.
On pages 19 - 22 of this magazine you will find the worldwide report of the field activity of Jehovahs Witnesses for the 2004 service year. Take a little time to examine it and see for yourself the evidence that Jehovah's people around the earth are intensely focussed on pursuing the "pearl of high value" today
[Any typo's are mine] the article discusses Matt 13.45 about the pearl merchant
I thought 1) This is one brief paragraph. I can remember in the past how we would pick out highlights of the report all through the study. 2] The question is designed to make a point of the hard work they are doing, not the results gained - because they are awful....Thank God!
Where would I look to slow this revenue drop? many magazines are handed out without asking for a donation for every convert? Our company has already pounded and pounded the idea of the donation arrangement into every service meeting - at least the publishers are supposed to ask for a donation in their demonstrations. Should we cut back on the magazine distribution timeframe? How about combine the WT and Awake into one magazine? Instead of twice a month, how about just once? This alone would cut expenditures on printed materials by almost 50-75%.
To me, the two dumbest moves (from a business point of view) that the Society did, was to make the literature a "donation" arrangment, and getting rid of the food services at the assemblies was the other nail in their coffin.
Before they changed this, I don't really recall them begging for $$$ like they do now.........of course, if they went back to the old way, how would they explain that as "new light"??
Thanks for posting. I need to keep up on my spiritual food.