Does being a JW damage some children mentally?

by Gill 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144001

    Lisa hit the nail on the head . . .

    Children of Jehovah's Witnesses are never allowed to develop their own identity. All of their time and association is controlled by the Watchtower Society, under the guise of parents concerned about their children's spiritual well-being. If the child is raised in accordance with the edicts of the Watchtower corporate cult, the child will reach puberty and young adulthood without any real friends or association, and will be accustomed to relying on the conditional love so pervasive in God's loving organization. This is indeed the objective of this despicable corporate cult, as the ability to cut off all of a person's associations is a powerful threat, one this cult has wielded since its inception and one that is critical to its continued existence as a money-generating cult. You want to think for yourself? Whammo, no friends, no associations, even your family despises you.

    The end result? Many if not most of the JW "brothers" I grew up with ended up in prison at one time or another. Success stories are few and far between. There is an abundance of anger amongst children of the Jehovah's Witnesses, as they realize that the most precious times of their lives, their childhoods, were stolen by the corporation cult that is the Watchtower.

    May the governing body and all others responsible pay for the childhoods that were stolen, the families that were destroyed, and the misery caused by the Watchtower corporation cult. Down down to hell, and say I sent thee thither!

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
  • minimus


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I wouldn't say 'damage' them, but rather 'limits' them.


  • Gerard
    Does being a JW damage some children mentally?

    Parents are encouraged to set pioneering as a goal for children instead of college. But this article is the best:

    The Introduction Of Phobias (Deep Rooted Fears) And Other Development Traits In The Jehovah Witness Child

    by Randall Watters

    Parents obviously have a very powerful influence on their children. Even when they are abusive and insensitive towards their offspring, children still desire whatever vestige of love and approval they can get from their parents, and will often be obedient just to receive attention and care. Understanding this dynamic helps to explain how children growing up in the Watch Tower may be so heavily influenced by the need for approval that they are willing togive up whatever goals or aspirations they may have in order to please their parents, even long after they leave home and/or get married.

    In order for the indoctrination to be lasting and effective, PHOBIAS (deep-rooted fears) must be introduced to the child in order to "scare" them away from a course contrary to Watch Tower idealology, and the organization is very adept at planting and nuturing these phobias. As in the case of the elder in Korea with the four children (mentioned previously in our first article), the fear may be the threat of being cut off financially as well as losing dad's approval, but it also comes directly from the pages of THE WATCHTOWER in the form of warnings about being in the very last days, and how Jehovah will not look with approval upon those who "squander their time and energies" in non-Kingdom interests. Jehovah thus becomes the all powerful parent who, even if the child's real parents may not be too concerned, will himself cut the child off from his favour and possibility even eternal life. A powerful motovation indeed!

    A Phobic World View

    The first step that the Watch Tower takes in their indoctrination of their followers is to develop the concept of the "universal war" that all people are inevitably caught up in, namely, that Satan has declared war on Jehovah, and we are automatically on one side or the other; there are no fence-sitters. If you are not doing all that the organization asks, you are on the side of the devil. Everything outside of the Watch Tower is controlled by the devil, and all persons who are not Witnesses are misled by the devil and are bad or dangerous to associate with. An unbalanced fear of the supernatural is encouraged. Witness children are told to avoid "worldly" magazines, movies, TV shows, music, etc. Any information critical of the Watch Tower is automatically evil and dangerous. Most doctors are evil for wanting to administer blood transfusions. Children have nightmares about mom or dad having to refuse a blood transfusion. Everything is made to appear as part of a large conspiracy to destroy Jehovah's Witnesses. Satan is feared totally out of proportion to the role as represented in the Bible.

    What is the end result? The child learns to fear life itself, at least outside of the Watch Tower, so that if he/she were to ever leave the organization, the devil would destroy him/her and he/she would become miserable and suicidal. I personally knew several members of the Watch Tower's Bethel family at their headquarters in New York who knew the organization was wrong, but could not leave due to fear that they were incapable of getting a job, or that their lives would disintegrate. They were the victims of carefully planted PHOBIAS.

    Many of these phobias are rather obvious to outsiders. Simple, harmless things are blown out of proportion in order to keep Witnesses secluded from the real world. For instance: Birthdays are evil because someone is being worshipped. Christmas is evil because thousands of years ago someone worshipped the sun on December 25th. Saluting the flag is worshipping your country and a sign that you belong to Satan's kingdom rather than God's Kingdom.

    Saying "darn" or "geez" is the same as cursing.

    Smoking cigarettes is a form of drug abuse that can lead to demonic control. Little wonder that Witness youths are so paranoid and shy of the world! Even when they leave the organization, the phobias are still there, controlling their lives until they are recognized and eliminated through counseling and/or self-awareness.

    Many of our readers were raised Jehovah's Witnesses and still remain VICTIMS of multiple phobia implantations. Many struggle with low self-esteem and self-worth, since the Watch Tower implants and perpetuates such problems.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    Even when they are abusive and insensitive towards their offspring, children still desire whatever vestige of love and approval they can get from their parents, and will often be obedient just to receive attention and care.

    o0o, so true...

  • Miata

    I truly agree with you about that. I too way humiliated every single day at school when I was forced to not salute the flag, when I couldnt sing the National Anthum, when there were parties that I couldnt attend, when I couldnt give Valentine's Day cards, when I NEVER received V-Day cards, (which incidently I think that the feeling I got when receiving one card is the same one that allowed me to accept crumbs being thrown by a significant other) etc...

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Even when we grow up and leave the JWs...finding those pieces of ourselves is difficult


    I fully agree with this.

    Damage is done by shackling people in a perpetual state of "Arrested Development." You never get to develop as a young adult when you are raised in as a JW. To make your own mistakes.

    I feel like an 18 year kid stuck in a 33 year old's body. "13 going on 30" for you pop-culture buffs out there.

    It stinks. I look back and think of where I am in life, and I feel 15 years behind a typical adults timeline. And it takes a long time to undo that self-doubting voice that has been programmed deep down.

    I think that many of the bad JW parents that can be found in the WTS only amplify this problem, sending many kids on a bad trajectory in life that is hard to recover from


    Man do I ever miss Calvin & Hobbes. No other strip out there today even comes close.


  • Mulan
    He was always telling them that they were going to die at Armageddon and Jehovah was going to destroy everyone who was not a JW.

    His school friends, according to the teacher, were becoming very afraid especially when he told them about Satan and what he could do to them if they touched anything that had been owned by someone who read horoscopes.

    So, do you think he was damaged and like a loose canon that could damage others?

    Our oldest son, when he was about 4, came home from a neighbor's house in tears, saying he was going to Hell unless he confessed his sins to a priest.

    I guess there is religious abuse in all religions.

    He got in trouble in the neighborhood for telling the little kids there was no Santa Claus. I took the heat over that one and told him he had to wait for their own parents to tell them that information, so when he went to Kindergarten, he couldn't tell them. I thought it was funny at the time, but have a different perspective now.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    Man do I ever miss Calvin & Hobbes. No other strip out there today even comes close.

    i like "get fuzzy" bucky katt is a riot lol


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