Along with some other companies, this JW that runs Lifeline, David Kelsey, had his picture in the newspaper. He was accepting $500 from a charity that provides money at this time of year, the heading was, "The season of goodwill"
You hypocritical pig. You would accept money during the disgusting heathen practice of xmas that you so abhor and righteously abtain from, obviously though there are certain conditions that apply to your faith. Standing there with a big smile, all the while thinking the ppl around you will die someday because they are soo baaaaaaaaaaaad. SCRIBE AND A PHARISEE is what you are! Jesus would have avoided your type!
IT GETS ME because they can be SOOOOOOOOO flippin' fanatical about their faith but its superficiality cracks through at the least applied pressure because they involve themselves when it is to their benefit. Holidays, xmas bonuses, presents from work, parties, etc.
"Be no part of Babylon the Great....(edited by JW to add,,,unless money, gifts or tiime off work involved)
Whew, ok, I feel better Jez