In all fairness, appearances can be deceiving! Especially what's in the newspaper. I don't know what his story is, but let me tell you what happened to my mother.
When my younger brother was in first grade, my mother and another JW with a child in that class went to see their kids in a school play. All the mothers went. When they got there they found out it was more of a spring pageant. The children presented cards made with construction paper and glitter with nice endearments. A reporter was there taking pictures.
Of all of the pictures taken, guess whose picture appeared on the front page of the newspaper the very next day. My mother and this other sister. The article was a human interest story for Mother's Day.
Guess who got asked about this picture at the very next meeting? My mother and this other sister.
So yes, they were at the pageant, but no, they weren't really participating. They were both sitting off from the rest of the mothers until the whole thing got over with so they could take their children home and they got their picture taken.
Very funny when you think about it now.