oh no! even fluffy the cat gets it! what'd she ever do? that guy with the jeans and white jacket on and that lady with the apron look like they're dancing... do the hustle! (what's that guy in the bottom right corner looking at?) how funny. wheee...
Subliminal pictures in the WTS artwork ??
by bull01lay 35 Replies latest jw friends
Nancy Drake
Speaking of 9/11, These pictures, although I'm sure they had no meaning to them when they were drawn, are somewhat creepy now.
I don't mean to be crass but look at the image with the smiling faces in the foreground; it looks like the three guys in the back are up to um some sexual hijinks!!
even fluffy the cat gets it!
Did you look at that cat? Now its personal!!! Grrrr @ the cruel cruel watchtower
It doesn't matter if there were authentic hidden pictures in the literature. Why? Because the writing department didn't and woldn't authorize such activities.
These people who try and impute the idea that the GB has promoted this action are being ridiculous. What possible motive would they have? Don't these people think the artists who would get orders from the writing dept.to draw such nonsense would blow the whistle on them?
There is enough valid proof to show the world this Organisation is a destructive cult without resorting to nonsense that make us apostates look like....well........apostates.
If there are actuall insertions....it wasn't authorized by headquarters.....it was done by the nerdy boys who do the artwork.
I thought the pictures were interesting, and I certainly haven't seen anything like them before, which is why I posted them.
it is interesting. maybe they put subliminal images in the art to instill fear in some readers. after my conditioning, even now images of ram's heads and creepy faces scare me a lil...
There is enough valid proof to show the world this Organisation is a destructive cult without resorting to nonsense that make us apostates look like....well........apostates.
True, but it's still interesting and just plain fun. Trying to tease something out of an image just for kicks. I agree, though, that you wouldn't want to hold up something like this and say "See? They're a mind-control group! They use subliminalistic whats-its to get inside yer head!" Discussing it from a "that's neat" or "hee hee" standpoint is ok, I think, but to promote the idea that the supposed subliminal images are there by some GB policy is counter-productive. And almost certainly wrong.
Imagine if you dumped a bound volume into one of those "Bible Code Search" programs! Think of all the crap you could dig out of it. Or played the "Photo-drama" records backwards.
True, but it's still interesting and just plain fun. Trying to tease something out of an image just for kicks. I agree, though, that you wouldn't want to hold up something like this and say "See? They're a mind-control group! They use subliminalistic whats-its to get inside yer head!" Discussing it from a "that's neat" or "hee hee" standpoint is ok, I think, but to promote the idea that the supposed subliminal images are there by some GB policy is counter-productive. And almost certainly wrong.
based on my own experience, observations and research, i wouldn't put anything past them...
franklin J
brought to you by "The Watchtower..."
who in their right mind would want to learn any of this , much less teach it to their children?
Nancy Drake
Oh, Brummie!!!
Did you look at that cat? Now its personal!!! Grrrr @ the cruel cruel watchtower
Not even a chance of resurrection for that kitty!!