I think I wanna go to the kingdom hall this sunday...

by Sweetp0985 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sweetp0985

    Yes you read that correctly, but first let me say that I'm not going to learn anything (as if that would happen anyway), but I'm going to gloat.

    The last couple of times I went there a few months ago was because I was being forcedstrongly encouraged (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/9/74780/1202255/post.ashx#1202255) and I felt intimidated when I went.

    Now that I have become a regular reader of various discussions here, I know I can walk in there with my head held high and look at them with just as much disgust in my eyes as they have in theirs because I haven't been begging to come back to such a unloving and hateful organization.

    I also want to take a good look at my step-mother. I know for a fact that things on the homefront have been much less than a "loving theocratic atmosphere" between her and my father. I just want to see the look in her face/eyes because she knows I know things are not happy at home. And what's much worse, I know her closest JW friends know it too and do the elders try to encourage them? Maybe they do but I know my dad, he's gonna do what he wants to do anyway, such as not talking to me when he barely still in it himself. But thats just one of the prime examples of people looking at the toothpick in my eye when they have the whole damn tree. Not that I want my father disfellowshipped (should have been a long time ago) but the elders knows he's not doing whats right, but because he and my step-mom are so well known within the borg, I doubt seriously that will ever happen.

    But I just want to go and look at all the captives of the borg and laugh at their misery while I enjoy my freedom.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Unfortunately, they won't look at it like that. They will look at it as submission, and an attempt to get back in with them; so they will, in fact, be the ones that are gloating. Look! They made you come back with their silly shunning and rediculous behaviors.

    In another vein: going to the KH in an attempt to "gloat" over their misery, when they don't think they are miserable, seems to be a worthless cause. They should be shown that which they don't seem to have a lot of: compassion and pity. They are as blind as you once were.

    It seems as if it would be a pointless cause, and an inury to your own self-esteem, to sink as low as they do.

    Just my two cents.

    Country Girl

  • redhotchilipepper

    It seems like a waste of your time to me! Sorry just my opinion!

  • Gill

    Don't go there, ever!

    Why would a bird want to fly back into a cage?

  • heathen

    If you go , don't look into the dead lights .LOL ( reference made to a stephen king novel . IT)

    I wouldn't go for fear that the WTBTS voodoo might cloud my reasoning on issues , they really are slick and leave me at times in a trance like state tying to figure out which end is up . I really hate the way they make comments that you just know are directed at you personally and are often insulting but leave you sitting there like an idiot just wanting to rip their throat out .

  • 144001


    Your very presence there will be a victory for them; it will be them who will be gloating about your perceived weakness and need for their conditional love and association. The only reason I would enter a kingdom hall would be to use the toilet if it was an emergency and no other toilets were available. I wouldn't flush . . .

  • heathen

    144001-- Where have you been hiding at . I haven't seen you around for quite awhile . Yes but don't forget to use the latest WTBTS publications for toilette paper . ( insert evil laughter here ) bwahahahahahahahahaha

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Well, you could go, then leave in the middle of the first song, or two minutes into the talk. (hehe)

  • 95stormfront
    The only reason I would enter a kingdom hall would be to use the toilet if it was an emergency and no other toilets were available.

    ....andi I'd have to be in a condition where I'd be about to explode for that to even happen.

  • frankiespeakin


    But I just want to go and look at all the captives of the borg and laugh at their misery while I enjoy my freedom.

    I think I understand your pain, that prompt these words. Realistically though I've never seen anything good come from laughing at some one else's misery especially family members.

    We think we will feel better emotionally,, when we have been hurt deeply by some one,, and we see them suffer. It won't.

    If you go to show how tuff you are,,or that you are better than them in some way,,it won't help you in your situation,,it won't give you more peace,,or more happiness,,more likely it will bring more feelings of frustration, and pain. Don't torture yourself.

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