I think the difference is that ID is more non-theological and creationism involves more theology.
That's what I mean. It was promoted as Scientific Creationism, and they harped about it being science, not theology. Now ID is more non-theological? Then are they saying by implication that Scientific Creationism was religion, not science?
ID is just an attempt by the evangelical Christians to slip creationism under the Church/State radar.
OK, so ID is Creationism with a shiny new wrapper then. Is that it?
I find it very odd that people are EAGER to accept that the universe was created by an invisible all-powerful deity that they have never seen before, but in the same breath will scoff at the idea of aliens from another universe.
And just who created those space aliens? For that matter, who created the invisible all-powerful deity?
Personally, I don't see much wrong with it - and think Darwinists should stop their prejudicial labeling of everyone
who pursues the idea as a "Creationist". It isn't fair - or necessarily truthful.
Intelligent design could easily support the notion of a pantheistic 'Creator' or deism. What's so wrong with the notion
that intelligence may be distributed thruout nature?
I can't even understand how Darwinism exists in the face of modern genetics. The notion of reducing all the complexity
of an organism down to a small amount of genetic code is increasingly ridiculous.
Pursues the idea of what, specifically? ID? I never heard of ID until this morning, so I don't really know how to answer your question.
But I do believe the study of genetics actually supports Evolution more and more. All creatures started out as a single cell. The genetic code was just the basic blueprint of what that organism would eventually become, which cells would become bone, which cells become blood, which cells become skin, etc. It is my understanding that there are fractional markers than indicate individuality (used for crime solving), but the greatest percentage of the DNA is the same as every other creature in that species.
So are they saying that something created life, but then Evolution explains the directions life took?