Naming your children Biblical names

by JustTickledPink 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustTickledPink

    The thread about Jael got me to thinking about all the Biblical names I heard from Witness children.

    Jael, Barak, Elisha, Elijah, Noah, Matthew,

    Anyone else remember new babies coming into the world and being given "Biblical" names? I thought it was hilarious when there was baby Noah. I swear, I knew all these kids.

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    It's not just a Witness thing. Non witness friends of mine have just named their son 'Malachi'. And 'Noah' was on the shortlist! Biblical names are very fashionable.

    So, why not Nebuchadnezzar, Zerrubabel, or Potiphar?

  • mkr32208

    This really blows the mind doesn't it! I mean these kids are going to get picked on by other kids (unless they are homeschooled) and will automaticly have a strike against them in the labor field! You can't ask about a persons religion but if "Noah Good Christian." comes to me for a job I'm sure as hell not hiring him! Why don't you just name your kid "can't ever get a job"... I guess when the job is as a janitor it's not as big a deal...

  • Princess

    My name is Rachel and I have brothers named Stephen and Daniel.

    There was a baby born in the hall whose middle name was Taze. He's a teen now and as far as I know, he still goes by Taze.

    Many of the common names in the US are bible names. Not just a dub thing IMO but an overall pretty popular thing to do. That's why I named my kids Rhys (Reece) and Zoe.

  • Country_Woman

    I even know a lot of children with biblical names from who the parents are'nt even religious at all.

    For example the children of my sister: Lucas - Anna - Eva

    my sister stated that biblical names were common and accepted all over the world....

  • StinkyPantz

    I knew a kid named Noah.

    Personally, I happen to like many Biblical names and am contemplating a few of them for my kids. I've always loved the names Jael, Michael, Isaiah and Josiah.

  • nilfun

    Re: "Noah" -- I've always liked the name.

  • ColdRedRain
  • ohiocowboy
    Biblical names are very fashionable.

    I would tend to agree. The most common name seems to be Dorcas, and I have known lots of them....

  • candidlynuts

    i never met a kid named Jehovah yet..

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