You hear of people saying, "I admire JWs for their zeal". I wonder whether the Witnesses' zeal is all that admirable. Al-Qaida's got a lot of zeal too......
Is There Anything To Admire Jehovah's Witnesses For...... In Reality?
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
I didn't notice that JWs were all that zealous. If they were, some of their zeal and enthusiasm would show in their preaching, but all they do is offer a short magazine presentation and leave. They have to be constantly reminded to perform return visits on people who've taken the magazines. They spend most of their time in door-to-door witnessing, knowing full well that most people are not home. They spend more time in donut shops than they spend actually talking to others about their faith.
That doesn't seem very zealous to me.
Walter -
Walter, you're so right! Anyone that suggests JWs are "zealous" should wonder why. But there must be SOMETHING we can admire about the Witnesses.
I always admired the pioneer shuffel, they seem very zealous. Oh, also the elders' zeal to kiss WT ass by kicking publisher ass.
"I always admired the pioneer shuffel, they seem very zealous."
When I first started pioneering? another, more experienced pioneer?, actually took time to coach me on how this is done.
Walter -
How do elders kiss Watchtower ass???
I have found a few individual JWs that in spite of the WT rules and policies still hang onto a Christian outlook. But as an organization/group...
What is that Christian outlook?
People who actually live their lives as the Gospel accounts say...whether people believe they are true or not, the principles there if lived by would make us better persons.
Since JWs consider themselves Christian, following the life pattern of Jesus, I would expect them be loving to each in reality...not so...I have 50 years experience in 20 congregations, 3 countries, and 10 states to judge by.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Even Gandhi recognized that if people followed the principles in the Sermon on the Mount, Christian or not, the world would improve.
I don't think JWs are outstanding in showing love, just in talking about it.
Actions speak louder than words.
Why do you ask?
Their canvassing tactics were useful to me in a political campaign.