...enjoy the ABBA tape!
Merry Christmas to whoever broke into my car last night!
by Preston 22 Replies latest jw experiences
It wasn't me, Preston, I already have an ABBA tape. Listen to it every week...I missed the 80's when I was a JW...making up for lost time...evil disco.
Maybe your secret santa will send you one.
stole your ABBA tape?!! looks like they did you a favor
I'm truly sorry your car was broken into - but..........................
stole your ABBA tape?!! looks like they did you a favor
THAT was funny!!!!!!!!! Ian -
Let us send Karma after them:) Folks keep sending him to me ( whoever he is) lol
It was me. I'll admit it. I've always been jealous that Preston is the only Dancing Queen here, so I took his tape. Pressie, I'll give it back to you after you give me back the nekkid pics of my hubby.
Winston Smith :>D
...enjoy the ABBA tape!
Thanks, it was the only place I could find an 8-track of ABBA BTW, where did you find that sweet in-dash 8-track player? Sorry Preston, that sucks. If your local police dept doesn't get the guy, the Karma Police will
"This is what you get, when you mess with us"
But the left the Kenny G and the Michael Bolton tapes?
(sorry Preston, I hope they didn't damage the car)
Humor aside, we had our car broken into and they stole a 20 dollar item and did $800 worth of damage....
That hurt
Pres -
That totally bites!! You're an awesome guy - one of the sweetest I know! - and I think the only proper revenge is to find out who they are and then call the Kingdom Hall, pretend to be them, and beg for a study.