Do you know of any "baptized" JW's that committed suicide or attempted?

by booker-t 78 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fleur

    Several, sadly :(

  • Sunspot

    I knew of three from my own congo, and another one from close by---all were adults.

  • toreador

    I know of only one. I know the wife of the husband who killed himself.

  • flower
    Do any of you out there know of any JW's that committed suicide or attempted suicide?

    Did the elders DF'd them or make some sort of announcement for the JW's not to attend the person's funeral?

    yea they booted me even after i broke down in a jc meeting and told them i was suicidal because of being unable to please jehober. i told them i couldnt take it anymore and refused to meet with them anymore after the second time, they took it as a lack of repentance i guess. i never set foot in a kh again since that jc meeting.

    Or did the elders refuse to give a funeral for the deceased JW?
    fortunately, i was unsuccessful! for once i'm glad i failed at something!!
  • under74

    "Do any of you out there know of any JW's that committed suicide or attempted suicide?"

    I knew a few personally. I was aquainted withe a couple others.

    I only know of one suicide where they refused to do the was in the late 70s.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    A couple. One close to my age tried it twice because the other male dubs in Hamilton were aware of his homosexual tendencies and treated him worse than dirt. That group was so homophobic they were even starting to wonder about me because I apparently spent alot of time talking with that guy, but not quite as much with the dub females.

    Anyone from the Niagara Falls area will probably know about this other incident better than myself. A man was very depressed and jumped off of a bridge into the Welland Canal. I really felt bad for the family he left behind.

  • candidlynuts

    an elder who counseled me to be more submissive to my df'd abusive ex husband... he hung himself because he had gotten into a financial mess and was scared to let his wife find out. so he killed himself and left her behind to deal with it all.. how loving of him. ( sorry for the bad tone i really disliked this jerk)

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    my niece has attempted suicide twice. once with pills and once by cutting into her wrists. the first time she was in "the truth" but just going through the motions. the second time was when she was disfellowshipped. now she is reinstated and on 7 different medications and says all is wonderful and nothing bothers her anymore. wheee....

  • redhotchilipepper

    I tried to commit suicide when I was about 14 I guess. I was a teenager, I do remember that. I took every kind of pill in the house possible. I was horribly sick for a week straight. I didn't tell my parents until just recently when I tried again. I was suffering from severe post pardom depression and the Elders/wife. The one who was on my door step last night was really pressuring me to do more for Jehovah, study with them, try to get to the Sunday meetings if possible. But ironically, they would say " We don't want you to feel pressured though, we understand how you feel" and on and on. Yeah right. More like they wanted easy service hours from a couple of inactive people. Being my hubby and I. It was pathetic. I was feeling so pressured that I was crying all the time. My inlaws came for a visit and pressured me some more."Get our son back to the truth". I just crumbled under the pressure. My whole life, My mom, my sister, my inlaws, the Elders, this sister, other sisters in the hall, friends, so called friends that is. Always hearing how you need to get more hours in service. Read the daily text, read the watchtower, read the Bible, on and on. We were drones. MYGOD literally. So that was it. I took all of my antidepressants and sleeping pills. Unfortunately I was low on them and here I am being badgered by them still. Actually I'm glad I didn't succeed, I've met some really nice people on this forum and I know that life will get better. It has to. It always does. It's sad the stories of people who like myself have tried to commit suicide because of that JW ORGANIZATION!!!!!CULT!!!!! Be strong people, please be strong! love RHCP!

  • seesthesky

    "Makena and Sabine's daughter is another, but I met them a couple of years afterward. That event and the aftermath is what finally took them away from the WTS. She was 21 and a regular pioneer................hers was the result of a botched elder visit."

    yikes - "the result of a botched elder visit" - ?

    seems like a misuse of language more than likely - the elder's visit did not actually cause the attempt, did it?

    perhaps the visit was the trigger or one of many - but the actual cause?

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