Just a quick run-down for those who haven't followed my court case so far:
My ex and I have joint custody but primary residence is with her. She has broken a bunch of the orders that the Judge made. These include that she moved out-of-town, hasn't given me my access times, she has not stopped her mother from taking my children to the KH, etc.
On November 24th, I convinced the Judge to prevent her from switching the kids (4) in their school. The Judge scheduled a summary trial for tomorrow. I have asked for sole custody or alternatively having primary residence switched to my house until she moves back into town (she didn't move for ANY legitimate reason...work, mate, etc.).
I'm getting my motions, affidavits, notes, strategies in order. I have already received some good advice from others, esp. HappyGuy, since his situation was similar to mine. Does anybody have any words of wisdom or support to share?