No wise advice, but stay calm and good luck today.
Court tomorrow.... wise advice is appreciated.
by formerout 16 Replies latest jw friends
I'm sure you have all the advice you need from your fellow americans - laws etc may be different here in the UK.
I just wanted to offer support, and let you know that you are being thought of as you go through this!
Best of luck,
{{{ Brad }}} Tough stuff. I wish you the very best!
The only suggestions I have are
If you are a person of prayer, just before entering the courtroom simply ask God to be in your hip pocket.
Tonight, when you go to bed, and tomorrow when you rise, simply pray "God bless ______ (ex-wife's name)" (This has some amazing results)
Stay focused and grounded. Try not to let your anger get the best of your of the situation.
Most of all - hide nothing.
I can sympathize. I've been in a protracted custody dispute from long distance. My ex moved our daughter with her to Illinois and I live in Tennessee. She, for the past 3 years, has been guilty of denying my visits, moving without my permission or that of the court and is now trying to attain sole legal and physical custody. It's been going on for a long time and she has really not even gotten a slap on the wrists for her infractions. I don't really have any advice for you other than to remain calm and respectful. Appearing reasonable is a great ally. I don't know how your state is, but in Illinois you have to have a child advocate lawyer who is supposed to represent the best interests of the child. It's never a bad thing to appear reasonable and open to some compromise to them. There are no guarantees, so be prepared for a letdown, but hope for a victory and that it really is the best for your child.
I'll be rooting for you.
formerout -
How did it go today??
Big Tex
Sorry I missed this Brad. I don't have any advice, as this is an area about which I know nothing (one of many!) but I do hope it went well. Your kids deserve some stability.
Thanks to all, for your support.
Thanks for asking. The Judge adjourned it until next Thursday. The only things that are to be addressed Thursday are whether she is in contempt and her "mobility", as that Judge put it. (Whether she should be allowed to stay in the town she moved to.)
On a very good note, while I was waiting, I spoke to a lawyer about potentially taking my case. He invited me to see him after we were done. I went to his office after the adjournment. He is going to call my ex's lawyer on Monday.
I strongly believe that her lawyer will cave now that I have a lawyer. Even though the Judge adjourned it, she said some things to her lawyer that indicated trhe direction that it would go even if I was representing myself. With a lawyer behind me it will be even better.
This lawyer hasn't even asked for a retainer, by the way. Nice guy. I did tell the lawyer that I believe in prevention more than cure and positive reinforcement more than negative consequences, but..... lol..... my ex and her family do not so....... I will not go back to the "settlement" that we agreed to unless there are severe consequences if/when she does not abide by that agreement.